This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
method. Section IV presents the deployed experiments to
validate the effectiveness of our method. Finally, Section V
concludes this article and presents future research directions.
This section first gives a brief review on 6-DOF pose estima-
tors, geometrics constraints, and deep learning techniques for
3-D registration. Then, since SAC-COT is a guided sampling-
based estimator, existing guided sampling approaches in the
RANSAC family is recapped.
A. 6-DOF Pose Estimators for 3-D Registration
For the problem of estimating a 6-DOF pose from cor-
respondences with outliers in the context of 3-D regis-
tration, RANSAC [15] and its variants remain the main-
stream solution. The classical RANSAC exhibits two main
limitations when faced with heavy outliers: low time effi-
ciency and limited accuracy. To overcome the two limita-
tions, Rusu et al. [10] presented a sample consensus-based
initial alignment (SAC-IA) method, which samples corre-
spondences spread out on the point cloud and leverages the
Huber penalty for hypothesis evaluation. To achieve more
reliable hypothesis evaluation, Yang et al. [7] proposed a point
cloud distance metric to assess pose hypotheses and intro-
duced the optimal sample consensus (OSAC) method. Both
SAC-IA and OSAC are three-point-based sampling methods
that exhibit a theoretical computational complexity of O(n
Some methods that sample fewer correspondences per itera-
tion have also been proposed. For instance, two-point-based
sample consensus with global constraint (2SAC-GC) [21] and
compatibility-guided sample consensus (CG-SAC) [1] addi-
tionally consider the normal information of keypoints during
the sampling process; globally constrained one-point-based
sample consensus (GC1SAC) [17] and one-point RANSAC
(1P-RANSAC) [16] additionally employ the LRF cue and only
sample one correspondence per iteration. Unfortunately, these
RANSAC methods still fail to achieve a good balance in terms
of accuracy, speed, and robustness to common nuisances (as
will be verified in Section IV).
In addition to RANSAC methods, Guo et al. [20] proposed a
clustering-based method that first generates pose hypotheses in
the rotation and translation spaces and then locates the cluster
centers in both spaces; Tombari and Di Stefano [18] and Buch
et al. [19] proposed two voting-based methods that serve pose
hypotheses as voters and perform voting in a Hough space. All
these methods are dependent on the normals or LRFs, which
have been demonstrated to be instable in the presence of noise,
partial overlap, and occlusions [13], [27], [28].
B. Geometric Constraints for 3-D Registration
Point-, plane-, and correspondence-level geometric con-
straints have been proposed to assist 3-D registration. For
point-level constraints, Aiger et al. [29] enforced coplanar
constraints to four-point sets in point clouds to achieve reg-
istration; Drost et al. [30] presented a point pair voting-
based method for 3-D registration, where distance and angle
constraints are employed to describe point pair features. For
plane-level constraints, Xu et al. [31] introduced a voxel-
based four-plane congruent set (V4PCS) method for pair-
wise coarse registration, which first extracts the planes for
point clouds and then leverages the plane-based geometric
constraints formed by four planes to achieve registration;
Chen et al. [32] presented a plane-based descriptor using dis-
tance and angle properties derived from planes for 3-D regis-
tration. For correspondence-level geometric constraints, most
of the existing methods focus on pairwise constraints. They
typically include the L
distance constraint [22], [33], normal
deviation angle constraint [21], [34], and LRF constraint [35].
Nonetheless, these pairwise constraints either suffer from
ambiguities or lack robustness to common nuisances. The
readers can refer to a related survey [36] for terrestrial laser
scanner point cloud registration for more details on geometrics
constraints proposed for 3-D registration.
SAC-COT leverages the correspondence-level geometric
constraints for registration, while it proposes a novel triplet
constraint that is validated to be far less ambiguous and more
robust than existing pairwise constraints.
C. Deep Learning for 3-D Registration
In addition to geometric-only methods, a few deep learning-
based point cloud registration methods have been pro-
posed recently. We review some typical examples here.
Aoki et al. [37] proposed the PointNetLK network for 3-D
registration in an iterative manner, where PointNet [38]
was employed for descriptor extraction combined with
a Lucas/Kanade-like optimization algorithm. Wang and
Solomon [39] presented deep closest point (DCP) that incor-
porates a point cloud embedding network, an attention-based
module to approximate combinatorial matching, and a differ-
entiable singular value decomposition (SVD) layer for 6-DOF
pose estimation. PRNet [40], as an extension to DCP, specifi-
cally focuses on partial-to-partial registration, which contains
a keypoint detection module and is able to establish partial
Deep learning techniques have demonstrated a great poten-
tial for 3-D registration, while usually, adequate labeled train-
ing data should be prepared. This may not be feasible in many
practical scenarios, and as such, we still focus geometric-only
D. Guided Sampling Approaches for RANSAC
As the key novelty of SAC-COT is its sampling method,
we herein review existing guided sampling methods for
RANSAC. In the 2-D domain, guided sampling approaches
preferentially sample correspondences with high confidence
scores [26], [41]. By contrast, guided sampling approaches
for RANSAC in the 3-D domain, as will be discussed in the
following, are more diverse.
For one-point-based sampling methods [16], [17], because
they have a linear time complexity, guided or random sampling
ways generate the same outcome as long as all correspon-
dences have been traversed. However, these one-point-based
sampling methods typically guide the sampling process based
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