
During the first week of my internship, I went through an adjustment period. I familiarized myself with the company's background, products, and development direction. Unlike the usual school schedule, the internship required us to start early in the morning and end late at night. It was a challenging transition, but I was determined to soak in as much knowledge as possible.
As I settled into the internship, I realized that it was going to be a busy and fulfilling experience. I had to let go of the freedom of university life and develop good work habits. Despite the thorough preparation I had done beforehand, I encountered difficulties such as the extensive learning materials and practical tasks that needed to be completed within a short timeframe. This meant long hours of practicing and studying, often extending into the late hours of the night.
The second week of my internship focused on solidifying my understanding of Java's basic syntax. I delved into concepts such as the relationships between classes - association, aggregation, inheritance, implementation, and polymorphism. It was crucial to grasp these fundamentals to navigate through future development tasks with ease.
Overall, my internship experience so far has taught me the importance of observation, questioning, and critical thinking. I have been pushing myself to learn, adapt, and grow in a fast-paced environment. The road ahead may be challenging, but I am committed to honing my skills and making the most out of this opportunity.
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