© BSI 04-1999
In order to carry out these studies and assessments,
it is usually necessary to establish the intended life
profile for the product, i.e. to describe how it will be
used throughout the various phases of its life. The
life profile is often expressed as a series of typical
duty cycles and should take account of the various
processes and environments that the product will
encounter such as handling, packaging, storage,
operations and maintenance. It is usual to identify
and describe the most important phase from the
viewpoint of the user, usually the operations phase,
in more detail and to define individual reliability
requirements for such key periods of use. Although
this primary phase is normally of overriding
importance, it is always advisable to be aware of the
possible impact of the subsidiary phases on
Quantitative requirements for reliability should be
expressed in terms of an appropriate parameter
such as probability of successful operation or
maximum permissible failure rate. It will be
necessary to make assumptions about the
relationship between the occurrence of failures and
time and to select a suitable statistical model to
represent this relationship (see Annex A and
Annex B). Thus, for electronic devices, it may be
justifiable to apply the constant failure rate model
(see A.3) whereas for mechanical systems
experiencing rough loading and high wear, only an
instantaneous failure rate would be meaningful.
It may be valuable at this stage to construct RBDs
(see section 6) and to use the overall system
estimate or requirement to apportion reliability
values to the lower level blocks. Basic
maintainability and availability block diagrams
may also be constructed.
Reliability predictions may be carried out based on
comparison with systems using similar technology.
Alternatively, the parts count or parts stress
methods may be used where detailed design data
are available, subject to the limitations inherent in
these methods (see section 7). Estimates of
reliability and maintainability will also be used in
assessing the range and scales of spares that will be
needed to support the various product options under
consideration, again with the object of minimizing
costs of supporting the product when it enters
Fault modes, effects and criticality analysis
(FMECA, see section 8) and fault tree analysis
(FTA, see section 9) can also be implemented at
block level and may be used not only to estimate
reliability but also to assess safety and to establish
the critical items list, i.e. to identify those items
whose reliable performance is critical to successful
operation of the product.
Finally, it is again stressed that with the conclusion
of the definition phase, the essential form and
function of the product will have been decided.
Thus, the principal elements that decide the
potential levels of future reliability, availability and
maintainability will now be fixed. From this stage
onward, the project reliability and maintainability
programme, and the assessments that support it,
will be mainly directed at achieving this potential.
3.3 Design and development phase
During the design and development phase the main
objectives of reliability assessment should be to
assist those responsible for design and development
of a product to ensure that defined reliability
requirements are met. The results of assessment
are analysed and problem areas identified. The
information is fed back to the designer so that
necessary changes can be made.
The assessment techniques initiated in the
definition phase are carried out in greater depth as
the design is refined and more information becomes
available. Fully detailed assessment may be
restricted to those elements which preliminary
analysis shows to be critical from the viewpoints of
safety, reliability and maintainability.
FMECA (see section 8) is used to assess and classify
the criticality of failures that occur. The technique is
also used in maintainability studies to provide
guidance on fault diagnosis and on the design of
built-in test equipment (BITE), test points and
facilities for continuous monitoring. FMEA and
FMECA may also be implemented to resolve
problems associated with the production process
and human failings.
As the phase continues and development prototypes
of the product become available, some prototypes
may be allocated for the purpose of reliability
growth testing and monitoring. This involves long
term testing with appropriate environmental
stresses applied (see section 12). If failures occur,
the causes are analysed and appropriate design
changes introduced. Mathematical modelling
techniques may be applied to assess what further
test resources will be needed in order to achieve the
specified reliability requirements.
Conventional reliability growth testing of this kind
is acceptable for products with relatively low mean
operating times between failures (MTBFs). For
products where the MTBF value is high, the
duration of testing required would be unacceptably
long. In this case, it might be more appropriate to
apply step stress testing (see 12.4.6).
Licensed Copy: samuel sze, May 03, 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI