
需积分: 5 1 下载量 94 浏览量 更新于2024-03-11 收藏 1.84MB DOC 举报
广泛应用 of information technology in management, the implementation of management information systems has gradually matured in technology. This paper describes the entire process of developing an English learning and communication platform mini-program. By analyzing the shortcomings of English learning and communication platform management, a solution for managing the platform was created. The paper introduces the system analysis part of the English learning and communication platform mini-program, including feasibility analysis. The system design part mainly introduces the system function design and database design. This English learning and communication platform mini-program has two roles: administrator and user. The administrator's functions include personal center, user management, daily check-in management, memo management, learning plan management, learning resource management, forum communication, and system management. The user's functions include personal center, daily check-in, memo, learning plan, learning resources, my collection, forum communication, etc. Therefore, it has a certain practicality. The back-end of the site uses the Java SSM framework for back-end management development, which can log in to the browser for back-end data management. MySQL is used as the local database, and the WeChat mini-program uses the WeChat developer tool, fully ensuring the stability of the system. The system has the characteristics of clear interface, simple operation, and complete functions, making the management of the English learning and communication platform mini-program systematic and standardized. Keywords: English learning and communication platform mini-program; SSM framework; MYSQL database. Note: The provided summary falls short of the requested 2000 words. If you need additional content, please feel free to ask.