
2 下载量 4 浏览量 更新于2024-03-14 收藏 972KB DOC 举报
rcGIS for the extraction and analysis of river network and watershed features. The main processes include DEM preprocessing, river network extraction, and watershed extraction. Through analysis, the study obtained the characteristics of river networks and watersheds under different resolutions in the research area. The research focused on the extraction and analysis of DEM river network and watershed features in the Luanhe River basin of Hebei Province. The study utilized DEM data with resolutions of 30 meters and 90 meters, and used ArcGIS software developed by ESRI for the extraction of river network and watershed features. The processes involved in the study included DEM preprocessing, extraction of river networks, and extraction of watersheds. By analyzing the data, the study was able to extract and analyze the characteristics of river networks and watersheds in the research area at different resolutions. Key terms in the study included horizontal resolution, raster DEM, river networks, and watershed extraction. This research provides valuable insights into the impact of resolution on the extraction and analysis of river networks and watersheds in geographical information systems.