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本文介绍了基于PLC的直流电机调速系统设计。设计选用日本三菱公司FX2N-16MT基本单元和FX2N-4AD,FX2N-2DA 模拟量输/输出扩展模块,并利用其功能指令设计的直流脉宽双闭环调速系统。该系统实现了调速过程速度快、精度高,控制系统的参数便于调试和高工作可靠性。通过给定的调速系统硬件配置和梯形图,经模拟调试输出信号验证了各项指标均满足调速系统的要求。
This paper introduces the design of a direct current motor speed control system based on PLC. The design uses the FX2N-16MT basic unit and FX2N-4AD, FX2N-2DA analog input/output expansion module of Japanese Mitsubishi company, and utilizes its function instructions to design a double closed-loop DC pulse width modulation speed control system. The system achieves fast speed adjustment, high precision, easy parameter adjustment for control system debugging, and high operational reliability. The given hardware configuration and ladder diagram of the speed control system were verified through simulation and test output signals, meeting all the requirements of the speed control system.
Keywords: PLC; speed control system; application
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