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"C++编程:从问题分析到程序设计(第五版)" 本书"Programming.From.Problem.Analysis.to.Program.Design."是D.S.Malik所著的"C++Programming:FromProblemAnalysistoProgramDesign"的第五版,专注于C++语言的学习与应用。作者Malik在书中引领读者从问题分析的初级阶段逐步进入程序设计的高级领域,旨在帮助读者掌握系统性的编程思维和技能。 在C++编程中,问题分析是至关重要的第一步,它涉及到理解问题的本质、定义问题的边界以及识别解决问题所需的步骤。Malik在书中会详细介绍如何有效地进行问题分析,包括定义问题、确定输入和输出、创建数据模型以及制定算法等关键环节。 程序设计则涉及到将分析结果转化为可执行代码的过程。Malik将深入讲解C++语言的基础概念,如变量、运算符、控制结构(如if语句和循环)、函数的使用、数组和字符串的处理,以及面向对象编程的基本原理,如类、对象、封装、继承和多态性。这些内容对于初学者来说是构建C++编程能力的基础。 此外,书中还可能涵盖软件工程的最佳实践,如代码组织、调试技巧、错误处理和测试策略,这些都是确保程序质量和可维护性的关键。Malik可能会通过实例和练习来帮助读者巩固所学,从而提高他们的编程能力和问题解决能力。 在学习C++的过程中,读者还将了解到如何利用C++的标准库,这包括输入/输出流(iostream)、容器(如vector和list)以及算法(如排序和搜索)。这些工具极大地增强了C++的实用性,并帮助程序员编写出高效、灵活的代码。 "C++Programming:FromProblemAnalysistoProgramDesign"第五版是一本全面的教程,旨在帮助读者不仅学会C++语言,还能培养出良好的编程思维和问题解决能力。这本书适用于大学计算机科学课程,也适合自学者提升C++编程技能。通过阅读和实践书中的内容,读者将能够逐步成长为一名熟练的C++开发者。
2018-06-16 上传
W ELCOME TO THE F IFTH EDITION OF C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. Designed for a first Computer Science (CS1) C++ course, this text provides a breath of fresh air to you and your students. The CS1 course serves as the cornerstone of the Computer Science curriculum. My primary goal is to motivate and excite all CS1 students, regardless of their level. Motivation breeds excitement for learning. Motivation and excitement are critical factors that lead to the success of the programming student. This text is a culmination and development of my classroom notes throughout more than fifty semesters of teaching successful programming to Computer Science students. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design started as a collection of brief examples, exercises, and lengthy programming examples to supplement the books that were in use at our university. It soon turned into a collection large enough to develop into a text. The approach taken in this book is, in fact, driven by the students’ demand for clarity and readability. The material was written and rewritten until the students felt comfortable with it. Most of the examples in this book resulted from student interaction in the classroom. As with any profession, practice is essential. Cooking students practice their recipes. Budding violinists practice their scales. New programmers must practice solving problems and writing code. This is not a C++ cookbook. We do not simply list the C++ syntax followed by an example; we dissect the ‘‘why’’ behind all the concepts. The crucial question of ‘‘why?’’ is answered for every topic when first introduced. This technique offers a bridge to learning C++. Students must understand the ‘‘why?’’ in order to be motivated to learn. Traditionally, a C++ programming neophyte needed a working knowledge of another programming language. This book assumes no prior programming experience. However, some adequate mathematics background, such as college algebra, is required.