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In the 2022 distant network education college English comprehensive examination question bank document, there are various sections including Interpersonal English. In this section, there are multiple-choice questions where learners have to choose the appropriate response in a given situation. For example, there are scenarios where a person is making an appointment with a doctor, asking for permission to take a seat, seeking help with carrying a heavy box, and offering assistance. These questions require test-takers to demonstrate their understanding of common English social interactions and communication skills. By selecting the correct responses, learners can showcase their ability to navigate everyday conversations and interactions in the English language. This section of the exam helps assess students' practical language proficiency and their ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations. Overall, the Interpersonal English section of the 2022 network education college English comprehensive examination question bank document is designed to test learners' ability to engage in social interactions using the English language.