"2020 船级社船舶网络安全认证指南应用指南总结"
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The KR Guidance for Type Approval of Maritime Cyber Security provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring the cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems onboard ships. This guidance, effective from 1 July 2020, outlines the requirements for obtaining Type Approval for maritime cyber security.
The Guidance emphasizes the importance of protecting cyber-physical systems from potential cyber threats that could compromise the safety and security of ships. It sets forth specific requirements and standards that must be met in order to receive Type Approval for maritime cyber security.
Key points covered in the Guidance include the identification of potential cyber risks, the implementation of appropriate security measures, and the establishment of a cyber security management system. It also addresses the need for continuous monitoring and updates to ensure the effectiveness of the cyber security measures in place.
The amendments made to the Guidance for 2019 underscore the evolving nature of cyber threats and the need for ships to stay ahead of these threats through robust cyber security practices.
In conclusion, the KR Guidance for Type Approval of Maritime Cyber Security is a crucial resource for ship owners and operators seeking to safeguard their vessels against cyber attacks. By adhering to the requirements outlined in the Guidance, ships can enhance their cyber resilience and protect against potential cyber threats in an increasingly interconnected and digital maritime environment.
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