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首页2019 IEEE国际固态电路会议特辑:低功耗运动触发IoT CMOS图像传感器与能量效率
2019 IEEE国际固态电路会议特辑:低功耗运动触发IoT CMOS图像传感器与能量效率
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"这篇文档是IEEE固态电路期刊(Journal of Solid-State Circuits)的2019年11月刊,主要关注集成电路的晶体管级设计,特别是2019年国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)的特辑。文章经过同行评审,并在被接受前进行了抄袭检查。特辑包括了能源高效、数据压缩、可重构3D堆叠SPAD成像器等创新固态电路技术的论文。"
在固态电路领域,集成电路(IC)的设计是一个核心主题,它涉及将多个电子元件集成到一个单一的硅片上,以实现更小、更高效的功能。本文刊载的论文反映了这个领域的最新进展和技术挑战。例如,"Energy-Efficient Motion-Triggered IoT CMOS Image Sensor With Capacitor Array-Assisted Charge-Injection SAR ADC"探讨了一种能效高的物联网(IoT)CMOS图像传感器,其利用电容阵列辅助的电荷注入SAR ADC(逐次逼近型模数转换器),实现了在运动触发时的低功耗操作,这对于电池供电的IoT设备至关重要。
另一篇论文"A Data-Compressive 1.5/2.75-bit Log-Gradient QVGA Image Sensor With Multi-Scale Readout for Always-On Object Detection"介绍了一种数据压缩的1.5/2.75位对数梯度QVGA图像传感器,它具有多尺度读取功能,用于始终开启的目标检测。这种传感器能够在保持低功耗的同时,提供高效的图像处理,适合用于连续监测和物体识别的应用。
"Reconfigurable 3-D-Stacked SPAD Imager With In-Pixel Histogramming for Flash LIDAR or High-Speed Time-of-Flight Imaging"提出了一种可重构的3D堆叠SPAD(单光子雪崩二极管)成像器,内置像素级直方图,适用于闪存激光雷达或高速飞行时间成像。这种创新设计提高了3D传感的速度和精度,对于自动驾驶汽车和其他需要精确距离测量的系统具有重要意义。
最后,"A 512-Pixel, 51-kHz-Frame-Rate, Dual-Shank, Lens-Less, Filter-Less Single-Photon Avalanche Diode CMOS Neural Imaging Probe"介绍了一种512像素、51kHz帧率的双分支、无镜头、无滤波的单光子雪崩二极管CMOS神经成像探针。这种探针用于高分辨率的神经科学应用,它能够实现无损的神经活动记录,对于理解大脑功能和开发新的神经接口技术具有重大价值。
Fig. 16. Chip photograph.
pitch pixel array is selected for future integration of a small-
form lens. The sensor is designed with thick-oxide devices
to reduce leakage current except for column SAR logic. The
ADC pitch and size can be further reduced with using high-vt
thin-oxide devices if available. Also, the sensor can operate
with its on-chip PMU, which generates 13 intern al voltages
from the external 2.5-V battery, enabling integration into an
IoT sensor node. The total die area is 16.7 mm
In this article, an IoT image sensor is proposed that is
designed with energy-efficient c-ciSAR ADCs in column-
parallel form. The c-ciSAR achieves 10b performance while
only consuming 63.6 pJ/frame/pix, which yields the state-of-
the-art energy efficiency of 14.4-μV
·nJ ADC FoM. Also,
the sensor contains motion-triggering function implemented
with the near-pixel placement of previous frame data. This
is done while re-using the ADC hardware already in place
for c-ciSAR, which leads to a more hardware/energy-efficient
solution than other sensors while maintaining high image
quality (64.1 dB in dynamic range).
The authors would like to thank Synopsys for their tools.
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Kyojin David Choo (M’14) recei ved the B.S. and
M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul
National Unive rsity, Seoul, South Korea, in 2007
and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from
the Univ ersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,
in 2018.
From 2009 to 2013, he was with the Image Sensor
De velopment Team, Samsung Electronics, Yongin,
South Korea, where he designed signal readout
chains for mobile/digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
image sensors. During his doctoral research, he
interned with Apple, Cupertino, CA, USA, and consulted to Sony Electronics,
San Jose, CA, USA. He is currently a Research Fellow with the University
of Michigan. He holds 15 U.S. patents. His research interests include charge-
domain circuits, sensor interfaces, energy converters, high-speed links/timing
generators, and millimeter-scale integrated systems.
Li Xu (S’15) received the B.Eng. degree in automa-
tion from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in
2009, and the M.S. degree in electrical and computer
engineering from Northeastern University, Boston,
MA, USA, in 2016. He is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree with the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA.
From 2009 to 2011, he was an IC Design Engineer
with Ricoh Electronic Devices Shanghai Company,
Ltd., Shanghai, where he worked on low-drop out
(regulators) (LDO) and dc/dc converter projects. In
2015, he was a Design Intern with Linear Technology Corporation, Colorado
Springs, CO, USA. His current research interest includes energy-efficient
mixed-signal circuit design.
Yejoong Kim (S’08–M’15) receive d the bachelor’s
degree in electrical engineering from Yonsei Univer-
sity, Seoul, South Korea, in 2008, and the master’s
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in
2012 and 2015, respectiv ely.
He is currently a Research Fellow with the Univer-
sity of Michigan and the Vice President of Research
and Development with CubeWorks, Inc., Ann Arbor.
His research interests include subthreshold circuit
designs, ultralow-power SRAM, and the design of
millimeter-scale computing systems and sensor platforms.
Ji-Hwan Seol (M’15) received the B.S. degree in
electrical engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul,
South Korea, in 2009, and the M.S. degree in
electrical engineering from KAIST, Daejeon, South
Korea, in 2012. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree with the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, USA, supported by the Samsung Fellowship
In 2012, he joined the DRAM Design Team, Sam-
sung Electronics, Yongin, South Korea, where he
contributed to the deve lopment of mobile DRAMs
including LPDDR2, LPDDR3, LDDR4, and LPDDR5. His research interests
include clock generation, memory systems, and ultralow-po wer system design.
Xiao Wu (S’14–M’15) receiv e d the B.S. degree
in electrical engineering jointly from the University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and Shanghai
Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, in 2014. She
is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the
Univ ersity of Michigan.
She has experience in energy harvester, power
management unit (PMU), and high-performance
hardware accelerator . Her current research interests
include small sensor system integration and hard-
ware accelerator design.
Dennis Sylvester (S’95–M’00–SM’04–F’11)
received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of California at Berkeley,
Berkele y, CA, USA, in 1999, where his dissertation
was recognized with the David J. Sakrison
Memorial Prize as the most outstanding research in
the UC-Berkeley EECS Department.
He was the F ounding Director of the Michigan
Integrated Circuits Laboratory (MICL), Electrical
and Computer Engineering Department, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, a group of
10 faculty and 70+ graduate students. He has held research staff positions
at the Advanced Technology Group of Synopsys, Mountain View, CA,
USA, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, USA, and visiting
professorships at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, and
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He co-founded Ambiq
Micro, Austin, TX, USA, a fabless semiconductor company developing
ultralow-power mixed-signal solutions for compact wireless devices. He is
currently a Professor of electrical engineering and computer science with
the University of Michigan. He has authored or coauthored more than
500 articles along with one book and several book chapters. He holds 45
U.S. patents. His research interests include the design of millimeter-scale
computing systems and energy-efficient near-threshold computing.
Dr. Sylvester currently serves on the Technical Program Committee for the
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference and on the Administrative
Committee for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. He was a recipient
of the NSF CAREER Award, the Beatrice Winner Award at ISSCC, an
IBM Faculty Award, an SRC Inventor Recognition Award, the University of
Michigan Henry Russel Award for distinguished scholarship, and ten best
paper awards and nominations. He was named one of the Top Contributing
Authors at ISSCC and most prolific author at IEEE Symposium on VLSI
circuits. He serves/has served as Associate Editor for the IEEE J
Circuits Society Distinguished Lecturer.
David Blaauw (M’94–SM’07–F’12) received the
B.S. degree in physics and computer science from
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, in 1986,
and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from
the Univ ersity of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign,
Champaign, IL, USA, in 1991.
Until August 2001, he worked for Motorola, Inc.,
Austin, TX, USA, where he was the Manager of the
High-Performance Design Technology Group and
won the Motorola Innovation Award. Since August
2001, he has been the Faculty of the University of
Michigan, Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, where he is the Kensall D. Wise
Collegiate Professor of EECS. For high-end servers, his research group
introduced so-called near-threshold computing, which has become a common
concept in semiconductor design. Most recently, he has pursued research
in cognitive computing using analog, in-memory neural-networks for edge-
de vices and genomics acceleration. He has authored or coauthored more than
600 articles. He holds 65 patents. He has extensi ve research in ultralow-power
computing using subthreshold computing and analog circuits for millimeter
sensor systems which was selected by the MIT Technology Review as one of
the year’s most significant innovations.
Dr. Blaauw currently serves on the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits
Conference’s technical program committee. He was a recipient of the 2016
SIA-SRC Faculty Award for lifetime research contributions to the U.S. semi-
conductor industry and numerous best paper awards and nominations. He was
the General Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Low Power, the
Technical Program Chair of the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
He is currently the Director of the Michigan Integrated Circuits Lab.
A Data-Compressive 1.5/2.75-bit Log-Gradient
QVGA Image Sensor With Multi-Scale Readout
for Always-On Object Detection
Christopher Young , Student Member, IEEE, Alex Omid-Zohoor , Member, IEEE,
Pedram Lajevardi, Member, IEEE, and Boris Murmann , Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—This article presents an application-optimized
QVGA image sensor for low-power, always-on object detection
using histograms of oriented gradients (HOG). In contrast to con-
ventional CMOS imagers that feature linear and high-resolution
ADCs, our readout scheme extracts logarithmic intensity gradi-
ents at 1.5 or 2.75 bits of resolution. This eliminates unnecessary
illumination-related data and allows the HOG feature descriptors
tobecompressedbyupto25× relative to a conventional 8-bit
readout. As a result, the digital backend-detector, which
typically limits system efficiency, incurs less data movement and
computation, leading to an estimated 3.3× energy reduction.
The imager employs a column-parallel readout with analog
cyclic-row buffers that also perform arbitrary-sized pixel-binning
for multi-scale object detection. The log-digitization of pixel
gradients is computed using a ratio-to-digital converter (RDC),
which performs successive capacitive divisions to its input
voltages. The prototype IC was fabricated in a 0.13-µmCIS
process with standard 4-T 5-µm pixels and consumes 99 pJ/pixel.
Experiments using a deformable parts model (DPM) detector
for three object classes (persons, bicycles, and cars) indicate
detection accuracies that are on par with conventional systems.
Index Terms— CMOS image sensor, deformable parts
model (DPM), feature extraction, histogram of oriented gradi-
ent (HOG), logarithmic gradients, object detection, pixel-binning,
BJECT detection is an important vision task in embed-
ded systems like smartphones, real-time monitoring
devices, and augmented reality. Deep neural networks (DNNs)
are currently the best-performing algorithms for such applica-
tions [1]–[3], and there has been extensive work on improving
the efficiency of algorithms [4], [5] and hardware [6], [7].
Manuscript received May 11, 2019; revised July 25, 2019; accepted
August 12, 2019. Date of publication September 19, 2019; date of current
version October 23, 2019. This article was approved by Guest Editor Pedram
Mohseni. This work was supported in part by Robert Bosch LLC, Sunnyvale,
CA, and in part by Systems on Nanoscale Information fabriCs (SONIC),
one of six STARnet Centers through MARCO and DARPA. (Corresponding
author: Christopher Young.)
C. Young and B. Murmann are with the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
(e-mail: cjyoung@stanford.edu).
A. Omid-Zohoor was with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA. He is now with K-Motion
Interactive, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA (e-mail: alexomid@gmail.com).
P. Lajevardi is with the Research and Technology Center, Robert Bosch
LLC, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA (e-mail: pdrm@ieee.org).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2019.2937437
Despite these efforts, customized DNN application-specific
integrated circuits (ASICs) are relatively energy-hungry due to
their large computational footprint. For example, the moderate-
size DNN processor in [7] consumes 37.1 nJ/pixel, while even
the small-size network described in [6] requires 3.7 nJ/pixel.
Therefore, to achieve efficient object detection in an embedded
device, it is attractive to employ a cascaded topology [8], [9]
in which an always-on wakeup detector duty cycles a more
powerful DNN.
For a wake-up detector, energy efficiency is the primary
specification and accuracy can be traded off to some extent.
Consequently, it can be beneficial to consider prior-art machine
learning algorithms with low-complexity hand-crafted features
that help minimize the computational complexity. One suitable
option is to employ histograms of oriented gradients (HOGs),
as these features provide a good tradeoff between complex-
ity and attainable detection accuracy [18]. A custom 8-bit
CMOS imager that computes HOG features on-chip consumes
only 52 pJ/pixel [13]. However, the complete system also
requires a backend detection algorithm, which still consumes
940 pJ/pixel in an optimized implementation [10]. As shown in
our system study in [12], this imbalance mostly stems from a
large amount of data seen by the detector. To remedy this issue,
this article uses a feature-extraction approach that aggressively
quantizes and compresses the data, thereby alleviating the
memory requirements and processing load for the backend
Fig. 1 contrasts a conventional pipleline with our approach.
Instead of faithfully digitizing each pixel value, we first per-
form gradient feature extraction in the analog domain before
A/D conversion. As we will explain in the remainder of this
article, extracting these analog features in the log domain
eliminates unnecessary illumination-related bits and enables
low-resolution digitization and aggressive feature compres-
sion. As shown in [12], the HOG feature compression ratio
can be as large as 25×, leading to an estimated 3.3× reduction
in backend energy for a deformable parts model (DPM)-based
Several prior studies have considered analog feature com-
putation within the pixels or within the imager’s readout
circuitry [13]–[15]. In-pixel computation can be attractive
but reduces the pixel fill factor and adversely affects the
sensing quality. While this issue can be alleviated with 3-D
stacked technologies [16], low-cost applications tend to require
0018-9200 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 1. (a) Object detection pipeline producing high-resolution image and
extracting low-dimensional features. (b) Our approach with analog feature
extraction, enabling low-resolution features to be digitized and compressed.
a single-die implementation. For these reasons, our scheme
performs the feature extraction in the column readout circuitry
and uses a standard 4-T pixel array found in more conven-
tional imagers [11], [17]. Prior studies also perform feature
extraction in or near the column readout [13], [14], but rely
on a direct and linear mapping of the feature extraction into
analog/mixed-signal circuitry. The distinct advantage of our
approach is that it enables aggressive feature compression via
logarithmic processing.
The following sections expand on our conference contri-
bution [19] and provide updated chip measurements after
fine-tuning for energy consumption. We also show the results
from a more detailed object detection experiment. Section II
motivates the use of log-gradients, while Section III discusses
the major components of our log-gradient CIS as well as the
overall detection system. Section IV details the circuit level
innovations required to digitize low-resolution log-gradients as
well as our methodology for deriving the circuit specifications.
Section V presents the measurements on these circuits as well
as results from an end-to-end detection system experiment.
We summarize our results and conclude in Section VI.
The input to a DPM is generally the HOG features, which
are a global image descriptor originally developed for pedes-
trian detection, but generally suitable for detecting ridged
objects [20], [21]. Various ASICs that compute HOGs have
been reported in [10], [22], and [23], and Choi et al. [13]
demonstrated the HOG feature extraction using mixed-signal
circuitry within a CMOS image sensor.
Fig. 2 shows how HOG features are generated. First, the
image gradients are computed at every pixel to produce a
vector with an angle and magnitude. The gradient image
is then divided into cells, usually of 8 × 8 pixels [21].
In each cell, the magnitudes of the gradients are accumulated
into bins of a local histogram, where the bins are assigned
according to the quantized angles of the gradients. The angles
are often computed modulo 180
such that their range is
between 0
and 180
. Further, using linear interpolation, a
Fig. 2. HOGs feature computation. Gradients are accumulated into local cell
histogram bins. This is performed at multiple image resolutions.
Fig. 3. Scene illumination versus reflectance. Variations in illumination can
cause a scene to have very large DR. On the other hand, the reflectance of
objects and surfaces has significantly smaller DR.
gradient’s magnitude is sometimes divided across multiple
cell histograms as a function of the gradient’s proximity to
each cell in a process called spatial soft-binning. Our study in
[12] shows that this is not necessarily required in the context
of a very low-power system where we seek to quantize the
gradients aggressively. Finally, it is important to compute the
HOG features at different spatial resolutions, to create what is
known as an image pyramid, to detect objects of multiple sizes.
Now, to understand why we are motivated to directly
compute the log-gradients on the image sensor itself, we first
give an overview of the relationship between image gradients
and light transduction at the pixel level.
A. Linear Images and Illumination
To first order, the incident light on the pixel array is
composed of two multiplicative components: 1) illumination
and 2) reflectance [24]. Illumination is proportional to the
overall light levels while reflectance is proportional to the
light reflected from objects. It is the reflectance that gives
objects their perceived shape, color, and other discriminating
characteristics. The key point is that the dynamic range (DR)
of the illumination is significantly larger than the DR of the
reflectance. Fig. 3 shows that the contrast between a moonlit
night and a sunny day can be 100 000:1 (100 dB) while
the difference in reflectance of a diffuse white surface and
a diffuse black surface is closer to 100:1 (40 dB).
The image in Fig. 3 shows patches of a sidewalk under
two different illuminations. Assuming the reflectance of the
patches is the same, the light intensity incident on a pixel
viewing the patch in the shadow is simply a scaled value of the
light intensity in the brighter portion of the image. The scaling
factor is the proportional change in light intensity. More
generally, for a given image, I
taken at a base illumination
level (or equivalently, base image exposure), a change in
overall illumination (or change in image exposure) is captured
by a scaling factor, α
= α I
. (1)
Further, the photon-to-electron-to-voltage conversion for a
pixel is approximately linear so that the voltage read from
the pixels is also proportional to α.
Linear images require a large bit-depth to capture the DR
of illumination within a natural scene. When producing an
image for human viewing, the linear proportionality to light
intensity is generally lost due to the gamma compression,
tone-mapping, and other nonlinear image processing. After
the nonlinear compression and processing, this bit depth can
be reduced mostly due to human’s logarithmic perception of
light [24]. The important point is that feature descriptors and
detection algorithms are typically designed and specified on
these nonlinearly compressed images. If we desire to map any
of the feature-extraction directly on an image sensor, we must
account for the larger DR of the linear pixel values.
B. Illumination and Image Gradients
Image gradients are composed of two sub-gradient compo-
nents, a horizontal gradient G
and a vertical gradient G
For a pixel P
at row j, column k, the gradient components
are expressed as the difference of pixels in their respective
H j,k
= P
− P
V j,k
= P
− P
. (3)
Equivalently, each component can be computed by con-
volving the filters [−101]and[−101]
with the image.
Note that these are centered gradients, which were empirically
shown to yield higher accuracy than simply taking differences
of adjacent pixels [20].
Gradients calculated from linear images have the same pro-
portionality to light intensity as the linear images themselves,
where the illumination (or image exposure) also scales the
gradient by the same factor α
H j,k
= α P
− αP
. (4)
Thus, the gradients are directly proportional to the illumination
and the gradient components must have the same bit-depth
(plus a sign bit) as the linear image itself.
Our system study in [12] recommends that instead of taking
the differences of linear pixels, one should take the differences
in the log of the pixels. This is equivalent to the log of the ratio.
Computationally, when quantizing the log-gradients, we can
drop the log for the ratio alone
H j,k
= log
V j,k
= log
. (6)
Fig. 4. AP of detection task versus illumination for quantized linear and log-
gradients. Heavily quantized log-gradients are far more robust to illumination
than linear gradients.
If there is a change in illumination (or image exposure),
the scaling factor α cancels in the ratio, meaning that the
gradient components are now illumination invariant
H j,k
. (7)
Because the log-gradients are robust to illumination,
Omid-Zohoor et al. [12] showed that they can be aggressively
quantized, to as few as 1.5 bits (two decision levels) or
2.75 bits (six decision levels). Fig. 4 shows the results
of an object detection task using a custom RAW, linear
image database [25] and an ideal, noiseless system. Average
precision (AP) on the y-axis is a measure of detector accuracy
and captures the balance between the detector’s precision and
recall. The x-axis is a sweep across global image exposure
of the database (i.e., α). The base image exposure at which
the models were trained (zero on the x-axis), is the exposure
empirically determined to yield the highest detection accuracy.
At this single “good” image exposure, 3-bit linear gradients
(calculated from a 2-bit image) yield a detection accuracy that
might be sufficient for a wake-up detection task. However,
a decrease from the ideal image exposure results in AP
dropping rapidly. In an always-on system, we cannot expect
to have an expensive auto-exposure algorithm, so a higher DR
is required. Linear 9-bit gradients maintain accuracy across a
wider range of image exposure, but the accuracy eventually
falls off. Under noiseless conditions, the accuracy of both 1.5-
and 2.75-bit log-gradients are constant across lower image
exposures. This means that the DR from an AP point-of-view
is decoupled from bit-depth. At higher image exposures,
AP for all cases falls off as the pixels in the image begin to
saturate. The AP of the low-resolution log-gradients falls faster
as the pixels saturate due to the extreme quantization, whereas
for 9-bit linear gradients, there is still some information
captured in the gradient calculation despite pixels clipping.
Note that we must use a RAW image database as opposed to
a standard database like PASCAL-VOC [3], since the latter
is filled with highly processed and compressed images.
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