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《精通C++17标准库:全面掌握C++17新特性》是一本深入讲解C++17标准库的专业书籍,作者Arthur O'Dwyer引领读者探索这个编程语言的最新进展。在书中,作者重点介绍了C++17中的关键特性,包括但不限于: 1. **现代STL(Standard Template Library)**:作者确保涵盖了所有标准容器(如vector、list、set、map等)和算法(如排序、搜索、迭代器操作等),这些是构建高效数据结构和算法的基础。 2. **智能指针**:这部分内容介绍了C++17中的RAII(Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)原则,通过智能指针(如unique_ptr、shared_ptr、weak_ptr)管理内存,增强了内存管理的灵活性和安全性。 3. **随机数生成**:书中讨论了C++17引入的随机数生成器,这对于实现各种概率算法、模拟和加密应用至关重要。 4. **正则表达式**:学习如何在C++17中使用标准正则表达式库,处理文本匹配和替换任务,提高代码的可读性和功能扩展性。 5. **新<filesystem>库**:这是C++17的一大亮点,它提供了一套统一的接口来处理文件和目录操作,简化了文件系统相关的编程任务,提高了代码的跨平台兼容性。 本书强调实践性,不仅理论讲解透彻,还提供了丰富的示例和练习,帮助读者逐步掌握这些高级特性和库的使用。然而,由于篇幅限制,书中的某些部分如<type_traits>并未详述,但整体上,这是一本为C++开发者深入理解C++17标准库必备的指南。作者以简洁明了的语言和实用的角度,确保读者能够充分利用C++17的强大功能。同时,尽管本书力求准确,但读者在使用书中内容时仍需自行验证,因为版权保护规定禁止未经许可的复制或传播。《精通C++17标准库》于2017年9月首次出版,反映了当时的技术水平和最佳实践,为读者提供了及时且有价值的学习资源。
2018-08-27 上传
C++ 并发 C++11 C++17 I encountered the concept of multithreaded code while working at my first job after I left college. We were writing a data processing application that had to populate a database with incoming data records. There was a lot of data, but each record was independent and required a reasonable amount of processing before it could be inserted into the database. To take full advantage of the power of our 10-CPU UltraSPARC, we ran the code in multiple threads, each thread processing its own set of incoming records. We wrote the code in C++, using POSIX threads, and made a fair number of mistakes—multithreading was new to all of us—but we got there in the end. It was also while working on this project that I first became aware of the C++ Standards Committee and the freshly published C++ Standard. I have had a keen interest in multithreading and concurrency ever since. Where others saw it as difficult, complex, and a source of problems, I saw it as a powerful tool that could enable your code to take advantage of the available hardware to run faster. Later on I would learn how it could be used to improve the responsiveness and performance of applications even on single-core hardware, by using multiple threads to hide the latency of time-consuming operations such as I/O. I also learned how it worked at the OS level and how Intel CPUs handled task switching. Meanwhile, my interest in C++ brought me in contact with the ACCU and then the C++ Standards panel at BSI, as well as Boost. I followed the initial development of the Boost Thread Library with interest, and when it was abandoned by the original developer, I jumped at the chance to get involved. I have been the primary developer and maintainer of the Boost Thread Library ever since.