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嵌入式系统架构:工程师与程序员全面指南 本资源是一本深入浅出的专著,由Tammy Noergaard撰写,由Elsevier旗下的Newnes出版。它旨在为嵌入式系统的工程师和程序员提供一个全面的设计和开发指南。嵌入式系统是现代技术的核心组成部分,这些系统广泛应用于各种领域,如工业控制、消费电子、汽车和航空航天等,因其高效、低功耗和高度定制的特点而备受关注。 嵌入式系统架构涉及多个层面,包括硬件设计、操作系统、实时性、能量管理、通信接口以及软件开发方法。标题中的"Architecture"强调了对系统内部各个组件如何协同工作,以及如何优化整体性能的理解。书中可能会探讨以下关键知识点: 1. **硬件架构**:包括处理器选择、微控制器、SoC(系统级芯片)以及外围设备的集成,这些都是构成嵌入式系统的基础。 2. **嵌入式操作系统**:如RTOS(实时操作系统),如何支持并发任务处理,内存管理,以及与硬件的交互。 3. **实时性与低功耗设计**:对于时间敏感和电池依赖型应用至关重要,如何确保系统的响应时间和能效平衡。 4. **数据存储和处理**:嵌入式存储方案,如闪存、RAM和非易失性存储器,以及如何有效地管理和处理有限的资源。 5. **通信协议**:如UART、SPI、I2C、Wi-Fi、蓝牙等,嵌入式系统的网络连接和数据交换。 6. **软件开发工具链**:包括编译器、调试器、集成开发环境,以及针对特定硬件平台的优化技巧。 7. **安全性和认证**:随着物联网的发展,嵌入式系统安全成为关注焦点,包括数据加密、固件更新和防病毒措施。 8. **设计原则与最佳实践**:如何遵循可扩展性、可靠性和耐用性的设计思想,确保系统在不同应用场景下的适应性和长期稳定性。 9. **案例研究和实战项目**:书中可能包含实际项目的分析,帮助读者理解和应用所学理论。 版权信息表明,复制或传播此内容必须获得Elsevier的书面许可。读者可以通过联系出版社获取相关权限或在线申请。该书强调了对嵌入式系统工程的深度理解以及保护知识产权的重要性。总体而言,这是一本实用且具有前瞻性的资源,对于那些希望提升嵌入式系统设计能力的专业人士来说,是一份宝贵的参考资料。
231 浏览量
以大白话的方式介绍嵌入式系统架构,基于ARM Cortex-M,很适合在学习嵌入式LINUX之前用来了解嵌入式系统开发的背景知识。 Learn to design and develop safe and reliable embedded systems Key Features Identify and overcome challenges in embedded environments Understand the steps required to increase the security of IoT solutions Build safety-critical and memory-safe parallel and distributed embedded systems Book Description Embedded systems are self-contained devices with a dedicated purpose. We come across a variety of fields of applications for embedded systems in industries such as automotive, telecommunications, healthcare and consumer electronics, just to name a few. Embedded Systems Architecture begins with a bird's eye view of embedded development and how it differs from the other systems that you may be familiar with. You will first be guided to set up an optimal development environment, then move on to software tools and methodologies to improve the work flow. You will explore the boot-up mechanisms and the memory management strategies typical of a real-time embedded system. Through the analysis of the programming interface of the reference microcontroller, you'll look at the implementation of the features and the device drivers. Next, you'll learn about the techniques used to reduce power consumption. Then you will be introduced to the technologies, protocols and security aspects related to integrating the system into IoT solutions. By the end of the book, you will have explored various aspects of embedded architecture, including task synchronization in a multi-threading environment, and the safety models adopted by modern real-time operating systems. What you will learn Participate in the design and definition phase of an embedded product Get to grips with writing code for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers Build an embedded development lab and optimize the workflow Write memory-safe code Understand the architecture behind the communication interfaces Understand the design an