
需积分: 1 3 下载量 152 浏览量 更新于2024-01-10 收藏 4.31MB DOC 举报
Summary: The development of an open laboratory reservation management system using a secure and efficient "shared book corner" book borrowing and returning management system is crucial in today's society. With the increasing number of borrowers accessing information online, the amount of book borrowing and returning information has become overwhelming. Thus, it is important to design a system that allows borrowers to easily access this information. This research focuses on the principles of security and simplicity in order to provide borrowers with a quick and convenient way to find book borrowing and returning information, solving the problem of complex and difficult-to-distinguish information. The system is based on the spring boot architecture, using Java language and MySQL database for development and design. By analyzing the procedures of book borrowing and returning management, both functional and non-functional requirements are identified, leading to the development of a "shared book corner" book borrowing and returning management system based on WeChat mini program. The system consists of three components: administrators, lenders, and borrowers. It also provides borrowers with a convenient and practical way to find suitable book borrowing and returning information. Administrators can manage borrower information through the backend interface of the system and can also publish system notices to keep borrowers informed of book borrowing and returning information. This allows borrowers to find book borrowing and returning information in a secure and efficient manner. Keywords: WeChat mini program; book borrowing and returning; spring boot; MySQL database