COL 11(7), 071402(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2013
Laser-diode-pumped zigzag slab Nd:YAG master
oscillator power amplifier
Shiguang Li (
, Xiuhua Ma (
, Huanhuan Li (
, Feng Li (
Xiaolei Zhu (
, and Weibiao Chen (
Shanghai Key Laboratory of All Solid-State Laser and Applied Techniques,
Research Center of Space Laser Information Technology, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Corresponding author: maxiuhua@gmail.com
Received April 9, 2013; accepted May 13, 2013; posted online July 3, 2013
A high-repetition rate master oscillator power amplifier pumped with laser diodes (LDs) is reported. An
injection seeding single-frequency electro-optical Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is used as an oscillator, and
a conductively cooled Nd:YAG zigzag slab with a bounce- pumped architecture is utilized as a power
amplifier. Pulse energies of over 800 mJ at 1 064 nm and 400 mJ at 532 nm, corresponding to average
powers of 200 and 100 W, respectively, are achieved with a 12.6-ns pu lse width at 250 Hz. Output frequency
fluctuations and single-frequency operation are further monitored. Experimental results reveal that the
proposed system, which features a single-pass amplified configuration, is a promising design for space-
based applications.
OCIS codes: 140.3280, 140.3480, 140.3515, 140.3570.
doi: 10.3788/COL201311.071402.
Conductively cooled zigzag sla bs have been the basis for
laser transmitters used in spac e -based lidar sy stems
Oscillator/amplifier configurations with robust designs,
long-term usability, and almost-maintenance-free o pera-
tion are generally favorablefor flight-wo rthy and space-
qualified lasers
. However, thermal issues, such as
depolarization and aberrations, hindering in the high-
power operation of a solid-state amplifier system. Pre-
vious studies have developed a laser diode (LD)-pumped
solid-state laser with average powers of tens o f watts
corresponding to 750-mJ pulse energiesat 1 064 nm and
diffraction-limited output beams with co mparative pulse
energiesbased on a master oscillator power a mplifier
by thermally induced phase distortion of the
gain medium. Average output powers of 235
and 250
at pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 320 and 200
Hz, respec tively, have been obta ined. Although laser
systems with diamond-tur ned aspheric optics
, phase-
conjugated mirrors
, and angle-multiplexed ring-type
double-pass configurations
show excellent performance
in the correction of wavefronts and generation of good
beam quality with high single-pulse energies, such de-
signs add complexity and volume to prototype systems
and increase the difficulty of assembly and calibration.
Several components in such systems
may also influ-
ence all qualific ation testing procedures, including opti-
cal damage and extended lifetime tes ting, in a complex
environment. Compared with conventional rod lasers,
zigzag slab lasers
have a rectilinear geometry
that reduces stress-induced birefringence a nd an optical
path that minimizes thermal- and stress-induced focus-
ing. Thus, zigzag slab lasers are suitable for achiev-
ing high average power levels while maintaining good
beam quality and po larization contrast. However, slab
lasers, especially side-pumped slab lasers, have low laser
efficiency, which limits their applications.
Several studies have considered fac e pumping as an
ideal slab design. Face pumping uses the same in-
terface for pumping and cooling, in which the slab
is uniformly heated throughout its volume and uni-
formly cooled through two total-internal-reflection (TIR)
. However, face-pumped designs typically require
direct liquid cooling to satisfy the requirements of uni-
form pumping and cooling of both faces
. Direct liq-
uid cooling often damages the slab laser design because it
induces slab degradation and the cooling fluid contami-
nates the s lab. Improvement of thermal handling requires
the reduction of slab thickness, which, in turn, reduces
the pump absorption depth in a face-pumped geometry.
The edge-pumpe d slab design
permits symmetric con-
duction cooling and efficient pump absorption and ac-
cepts large numerical aperture pump sources. Alarge as-
pect ratio (3:1) reduces the r obustness of the slab and
increases stress, resulting in crystal damage. Conduc-
tion coo ling
features benefits of mechanical stability,
protection of the TIR faces, cooling uniformity, and sep-
aration of the slab-liquid interface. However, the asym-
metries of cooling schemes cause thermal stresses in the
crystals that limit their powe r-scaling potential. The
symmetric cooling of edge-pumped slab lasers provides
a design that can be scaled to high-power levels.
A MOPA with a PRF of 100 Hz and an output en-
ergy of 800 mJ was previously investigated
. Given
that the signal-to-nois e ratio (SNR) of lidar systems is
proportional to the square root of the PRF of the laser
transmitters under certain single-pulse energ ies, higher
PRFs enable longer detection ranges and higher detec-
tion accuracy. Therefore, the PRF of lase r transmitters
must be increased. We recently success fully developed an
injection-seeded single-frequency 1 064-nm laser oscilla-
tor with a 250-Hz PRF
and high power using a highly
efficient conduction cooling technique
. In the current
1671-7694/2013/071402(4) 071402-1
2013 Chinese Optics Letters