
需积分: 0 3 下载量 57 浏览量 更新于2023-12-20 收藏 10.29MB PDF 举报
"Trajectory Distance.pdf is a comprehensive guide to trajectory distance algorithms, specifically designed for big data algorithm engineers. The main focus of the document is to introduce the relevant algorithms and concepts related to trajectory distance, making it a valuable resource for professionals in the field of big data analysis and engineering. The document provides an overview of various trajectory distance algorithms, including point-based distance such as Euclidean, DTW, LCSS, and EDR. It also covers distance-based distance algorithms such as Hausdorff distance and Frechet distance, as well as shape-based distance algorithms like Procrustes Distance and Canonical Warping Distance. Additionally, segment-based distance algorithms such as One Way Distance and LIP distance are discussed, along with task-specific distance algorithms like TRACLUS, road, semantic, and grid-based distances. One of the highlighted algorithms in the document is the Euclidean Distance, which emphasizes the importance of linear computing time and the necessity for trajectories to be of the same length for accurate calculations. Overall, Trajectory Distance.pdf serves as a valuable resource for big data algorithm engineers, providing a comprehensive overview of trajectory distance algorithms and their applications. The document is essential for those seeking to gain a deeper understanding of trajectory distance and its relevance to big data analysis and engineering."