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Chapter 7 of "Java Programming" by Deng Yulong focuses on the topics of generics and exception handling in Java. The author, Deng Yulong, is a faculty member at the College of Computer Science at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. The chapter begins with an introduction to generics in Java, explaining the benefits of using generics in terms of type safety and code reuse. It covers the syntax for creating generic classes, methods, and interfaces, as well as the use of wildcards and bounded type parameters. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding and implementing generics in Java programming to improve code clarity and maintainability. The chapter then delves into the topic of exception handling in Java. It explains the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions and how to use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions. The author also covers the concept of throwing and propagating exceptions, as well as best practices for designing custom exception classes. Throughout the chapter, Deng Yulong provides practical examples and code snippets to illustrate the concepts being discussed. He encourages readers to actively engage with the material through hands-on exercises and programming assignments. In conclusion, Chapter 7 of "Java Programming" by Deng Yulong offers a comprehensive overview of generics and exception handling in Java. It provides valuable insights and practical guidance for Java programmers looking to leverage these features to write more robust and efficient code. Readers are encouraged to apply the knowledge gained from this chapter to their own programming projects and continue exploring the rich capabilities of the Java programming language.