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Air pollution not only affects climate change, but also poses a serious threat to human life and health. In the context of the "dual carbon" goals, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and controlling atmospheric pollution have significant synergy, as both are rooted in changes in atmospheric composition. The solution to atmospheric environmental issues depends on the development of environmental monitoring technologies. Optical monitoring technology, with its strong scalability and non-contact, high sensitivity, and wide target detection capabilities, has significant advantages in the field of atmospheric environmental 3D monitoring, and has become the dominant direction in the development of environmental monitoring technology.
Currently, researchers have developed a series of mature atmospheric environmental optical monitoring technologies based on satellite platforms, ground-based platforms, and mobile platforms, including differential absorption spectroscopy technology, laser radar technology, cavity ring-down spectroscopy technology, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy technology, tunable semiconductor laser absorption spectroscopy technology, and gas expansion laser-induced fluorescence technology. In addition, the atmospheric environmental multi-platform seamless integration 3D monitoring technology plays an important role in pollution reduction and carbon reduction.
Promoting the localization of monitoring equipment and advancing towards the three-dimensional, automated, and intelligent application of monitoring technology through interdisciplinary integration will be the main development direction of atmospheric environmental optical technology in the future.
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