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“Learn Cocoa on the Mac”是一本由Apress出版社出版的Cocoa编程指南,适合初学者入门,是学习构建Mac应用的首选教程。 在深入探讨“Learn Cocoa on the Mac”的内容之前,我们先来了解一下Cocoa。Cocoa是Apple开发的一个用于创建Mac OS X应用程序的框架集合。它包括Objective-C类库、开发工具和编程接口,让开发者能够高效地构建功能丰富的原生Mac应用。Cocoa框架包含两个主要部分:Cocoa Touch(用于iOS设备)和Cocoa(针对Mac平台)。 本书“Learn Cocoa on the Mac”由Jack Nutting和Peter Clark共同编写,旨在帮助读者掌握Cocoa编程基础。以下是该书可能涵盖的一些关键知识点: 1. **Objective-C基础知识**:Cocoa框架基于Objective-C,因此学习Cocoa的第一步是理解这门面向对象的语言。这可能包括类、对象、消息传递、继承、协议和分类等概念。 2. **Cocoa核心组件**:书中可能会详细介绍Cocoa的基石,如Foundation框架和AppKit框架,它们提供了许多基本的数据类型、集合类和系统服务。 3. **Model-View-Controller (MVC)**:Cocoa遵循MVC设计模式,这是软件工程中一种常见的架构模式,用于分离数据模型、用户界面和控制逻辑。书会解释如何在Cocoa中实现MVC。 4. **Interface Builder**:Apple的Interface Builder是一个可视化的工具,允许开发者拖放UI元素并连接到代码。书中会介绍如何使用Interface Builder创建和配置用户界面。 5. **事件处理和响应者链**:Cocoa中的事件处理通过响应者链进行,书会教授如何设置和处理各种用户事件,如鼠标点击和键盘输入。 6. **Auto Layout和Size Classes**:这些是用于布局和适配不同屏幕尺寸的机制,确保应用在不同Mac设备上表现良好。 7. **Core Data**:Apple的持久化框架,用于管理应用程序的数据模型。书中会讲述如何使用Core Data存储和检索数据。 8. **Cocoa Bindings**:这是一种简化数据绑定的技术,使得视图和模型之间的同步变得更加容易。 9. **Testing and Debugging**:书中会讨论Xcode的测试工具和调试器,以及如何有效地测试和调试Cocoa应用。 10. **App Distribution and App Store**:最后,书可能还会介绍如何打包、签名和分发应用,以及如何通过Mac App Store提交和发布应用。 “Learn Cocoa on the Mac”是一本全面的教程,涵盖了从入门到高级的Cocoa开发知识,对于任何想要进入Mac应用开发领域的程序员来说,都是一个宝贵的资源。通过学习这本书,读者将能够利用Cocoa的强大功能,创建出功能强大且用户友好的Mac应用。
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Learn Cocoa on the Mac by Jack Nutting, David Mark and Jeff LaMarche The Cocoa frameworks are some of the most powerful frameworks for creating native desktop applications available on any platform today, and Apple gives them away, along with the Xcode development environment, for free! However, for a first-time Mac developer, just firing up Xcode and starting to browse the documentation can be a daunting task. The Objective-C class reference documentation alone would fill thousands of printed pages, not to mention all the other tutorials and guides included with Xcode. Where do you start? Which classes are you going to need to use? How do you use Xcode and the rest of the tools? This book answers these questions and more, helping you find your way through the jungle of classes, tools, and new concepts so that you can get started on the next great Mac OS X application today. Jack Nutting is your guide through this forest; he's lived here for years, and he'll show you which boulder to push, which vine to chop, and which stream to float across in order to make it through. You will learn not only how to use the components of this rich framework, but also which of them fit together, and why. What you’ll learn How to actually make your own Cocoa applications—this is much more than just a quick introduction to Cocoa! Which classes, of the dozens included in Cocoa, are truly central to Cocoa development How to best use MVC architecture concepts in a Cocoa application How the various pieces of the Cocoa frameworks fit with each other and into the MVC architecture Which parts of Cocoa truly enable “visual programming”, letting you reap the benefits of proven, reusable code libraries that Apple gives you for free How to recognize recurring design patterns used throughout Cocoa, and put them to proper use in your own code How to approach Cocoa from different programming environments How to use the facilities provided in Snow Leopard to create software that distributes itself automatically among all available CPUs, improving the user experience for your users.