‡ New Properties of Version 6
Because the new features are numerous, we do not list them all here. However, we mention some of the
most remarkable new commands and features, classified accordin
to the cha
ters of the book:
• Chapter 1, Starting: documentation is on-line in the form of Documentation Center, Function
Navigator and Virtual Book (we do not have a printed manual); documentation is automatically
updated via the Internet; writing Mathematica inputs is helped by syntax coloring
• Chapter 3, Notebooks:
Style, Text, Hyperlink
• Chapter 4, Files: commands of many packages are now built-in; the remaining packages are rebuilt;
look at Compatibility/guide/StandardPackageCompatibilityGuide in the Documentation Center
to obtain information about how to replace the functionality of the old packages
• Chapter 5, Graphics for Functions:
GraphicsRow, GraphicsGrid, Tooltip; graphics is handled like
other expressions; the default font in graphics is Times instead of Courier; 3D graphics is adaptive;
contours in contour plots have tooltips; density plots, by default, do not have meshes; 2D graphics
can be interactively drawn and edited; 3D graphics can be interactively manipulated (e.g., rotated);
for animation, use
Manipulate or Animate
• Chapter 6, Graphics Primitives: Arrow, Opacity, Inset
• Chapter 7, Graphics Options: Directive, BaseStyle, Filling; the default value of AspectRatio in
Graphics and ParametricPlot is Automatic instead of 1/GoldenRatio
• Chapter 8, Graphics for Data: ListLinePlot, GraphPlot; plotting of several data sets
• Chapter 9, Data:
ElementData, CountryData, PolyhedronData, etc.
• Chapter 10, Manipulations:
Manipulate (for creating interactive dynamic interfaces)
• Chapter 11, Dynamics:
Dynamic (for advanced dynamic interfaces), MenuView, TabView, etc.
• Chapter 15, Tables:
Grid, Row, Column
• Chapter 16, Patterns: DictionaryLookup
• Chapter 21, Matrices: Accumulate, PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ
• Chapter 23, Optimization: FindShortestTour
• Chapter 29, Probability: RandomReal, RandomInteger, RandomChoice, RandomSample
• Chapter 30, Statistics: Tally, BinCounts, FindClusters
In my opinion, the most impressive new commands in version 6 are Manipulate, Dynamic,
GraphPlot, and Grid.
Note that many familiar commands, such as
NIntegrate or NDSolve, have also been enhanced in
version 6.
In the forthcoming chapters, we mark with (Ÿ6) the properties and commands of Mathematica
available for the first time in version 6.
‡ Obsolete Properties in Version 6
Version 6 makes obsolete some old commands and features, especially in graphics. First, here are some
changes that relate to the display and arrangement of graphics:
• To prevent the display of graphics, end the plotting command with
; instead of using the
DisplayFunction option.
• In programs, enclose a plotting command with
Print if that command is not the last command of
the program and you would like the program to show that plot.
GraphicsArray is obsolete. To show, for example, two plots p1 and p2 side by side, use one of the
following ways:
{p1, p2}, Row[{p1, p2}], or GraphicsRow[{p1, p2}]. Use GraphicsGrid for
arrays of plots.
Preface xvii