
需积分: 10 1 下载量 70 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 收藏 485KB DOC 举报
The document "MATLAB Simulation Data for Synchronous Motor Model (Classical)" provides a comprehensive overview of the simulation of synchronous motor models using MATLAB. The use of power electronic frequency conversion devices enables voltage-frequency coordination control, which revolutionizes the traditional constant-speed operation of synchronous motors and allows for adjustable speed control similar to asynchronous motors. This study focuses on the representative salient-pole machine in synchronous motors, simplifying the mathematical model based on abc three-phase variables by neglecting certain factors that have minimal impact on error but greatly increase algorithm complexity, such as harmonic magnetic fields. The relationships between phase currents, voltages, fluxes, magnetic linkages, and torque are quantitatively analyzed, and a simplified model is established based on the Park transformation, transforming it into a model in the d/q coordinate system for easier computer control. Using MATLAB's SIMULINK for system simulation, various components of the system are encapsulated and interconnected, including the power supply, abc/dq converter, motor simulation, and control feedback. Special modules are designed for each component, and a series of parameters are configured. Once the simulation is initiated, the system exhibits initial oscillations but stabilizes over time, with the outputs showing relatively stable responses. In summary, this document demonstrates the simulation platform for synchronous machine models using MATLAB, showcasing the transformation of synchronous motors into members of the adjustable speed motor family through voltage-frequency coordination control. The utilization of the d/q model and SIMULINK simulation provides a practical and efficient method for analyzing and designing synchronous motor systems. Key words: synchronous motor, d/q model, MATLAB, SIMULINK, simulation.