iOS 6游戏开发入门:从简单到完整

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"《Apress Beginning iOS 6 Games Development》是一本全面指南,旨在帮助读者学习如何使用iOS 6 SDK开发iPhone和iPad游戏。作者Lucas Jordan结合实用的教学方法,带领读者从基础入门到创建复杂的游戏项目。本书内容涵盖了一系列关键知识点,包括但不限于: 1. 第一章:简单的第一个游戏 - 介绍游戏开发的基本概念,让初学者掌握制作游戏的基础步骤。 2. 第二章:设置游戏项目 - 讲述如何配置项目环境,安装必要的工具和设置游戏的框架结构。 3. 第三章:探索游戏应用生命周期 - 深入理解游戏运行的生命周期,包括启动、运行、暂停和退出等状态管理。 4. 第四章与第五章:快速构建输入驱动和帧动画游戏 - 分别讲解如何利用用户输入创建交互性游戏,以及通过逐帧动画实现更流畅的视觉效果。 5. 第六章:角色制作与行为设计 - 学习游戏引擎、图像演员和角色行为的设计与实现,增强游戏角色的表现力。 6. 第七章:矢量演员与粒子系统 - 探索如何使用矢量图形和粒子效果来提升游戏的视觉体验。 7. 第八章:理解和运用手势与移动 - 学习如何识别和响应用户在屏幕上的触控操作,使游戏更具互动性。 8. 第九章:游戏中心与社交媒体集成 - 揭示如何利用Apple Game Center功能以及社交媒体平台增加游戏的社交元素。 9. 第十章:通过App Store盈利 - 提供关于定价策略、广告植入和内购机制的实用建议,帮助开发者实现盈利。 10. 第十一章:添加音效到游戏中 - 讨论音频设计和集成,为游戏增添沉浸式体验。 11. 第十二章:完整游戏示例:Belt Commander - 通过一个完整的项目实例,展示前面所学知识的实际应用。 12. 第十三章:物理引擎的应用 - 最后,探讨物理学原理在游戏中的应用,提升游戏的真实感和可玩性。 通过本书,读者不仅能掌握iOS 6时代的游戏开发技术,还能获得宝贵的经验和技巧,为进一步发展成为一名专业的iOS游戏开发者打下坚实的基础。"
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The team that brought you the bestselling Beginning iPhone Development is back again for Beginning iOS 6 Development, bringing this definitive guide up-to-date with Apple's latest and greatest iOS 6 SDK, as well as with the latest version of Xcode. There's coverage of brand new technologies, with chapters on storyboards and iCloud, for example, as well as significant updates to existing chapters to bring them in line with all the changes that came with the iOS 6 SDK. You'll have everything you need to create your very own apps for the latest iOS devices, including the iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and the latest iPod touch. Every single sample app in the book has been rebuilt from scratch using latest Xcode and the latest 64-bit iOS 6-specific project templates and designed to take advantage of the latest Xcode features. Assuming only a minimal working knowledge of Objective-C, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, Beginning iOS 6 Development offers a complete soup-to-nuts course in iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch programming. The book starts with the basics, walking through the process of downloading and installing Xcode and the iOS 6 SDK, and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application. From there, you’ll learn how to integrate all the interface elements Apple touch users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. You’ll master a variety of design patterns, from the simplest single view to complex hierarchical drill-downs. The confusing art of table building will be demystified, and you’ll learn how to save your data using the iPhone file system. You’ll also learn how to save and retrieve your data using a variety of persistence techniques, including Core Data and SQLite. And there’s much more! You’ll learn to draw using Quartz 2D and OpenGL ES, add multitouch gestural support (pinches and swipes) to your applications, and work with the camera, photo library, accelerometer, and built-in GPS. You’ll discover the fine points of application preferences and learn how to localize your apps for multiple languages. The iOS 6 update to the bestselling and most recommended book for Cocoa touch developers Packed full of tricks, techniques, and enthusiasm for the new SDK from a developer perspective Written in an accessible, easy-to-follow style What you’ll learn Everything you need to know to develop your own bestselling iPhone and iPad apps Best practices for optimizing your code and delivering great user experiences How to create “universal” apps for both the iPhone and iPad What is data persistence and why is it important Get started with building cool, crisp User Interfaces What and how to use Table Views How to do graphics with Quartz and OpenGL ES What geo app development features the new iOS brings to the iPhone How to get your app in iCloud And much much more... Who this book is for Everyone who wants to start developing for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad!
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iOS6编程的入门指南 ■■Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle .....................................................................................1 ■■Chapter 2: Appeasing the Tiki Gods .................................................................................11 ■■Chapter 3: Handling Basic Interaction .............................................................................43 ■■Chapter 4: More User Interface Fun ................................................................................69 ■■Chapter 5: Autorotation and Autosizing ........................................................................115 ■■Chapter 6: Multiview Applications ................................................................................139 ■■Chapter 7: Tab Bars and Pickers ...................................................................................169 ■■Chapter 8: Introduction to Table Views .........................................................................221 ■■Chapter 9: Navigation Controllers and Table Views .......................................................269 ■■Chapter 10: Storyboards ...............................................................................................341 ■■Chapter 11: iPad Considerations ...................................................................................367 ■■Chapter 12: Application Settings and User Defaults ......................................................397 ■■Chapter 13: Basic Data Persistence ..............................................................................435 ■■Chapter 14: Hey! You! Get onto iCloud! .........................................................................481 ■■Chapter 15: Grand Central Dispatch, Background Processing, and You ........................511 ■■Chapter 16: Drawing with Quartz and OpenGL ..............................................................545 ■■Chapter 17: Taps, Touches, and Gestures ......................................................................585 ■■Chapter 18: Where Am I? Finding Your Way with Core Location and Map Kit ...............619 ■■Chapter 19: Whee! Gyro and Accelerometer! ................................................................637 ■■Chapter 20: The Camera and Photo Library ...................................................................667 ■■Chapter 21: Collection View ..........................................................................................677 ■■Chapter 22: Application Localization .............................................................................691 ■■Appendix A: Where to Next? ..........................................................................................717 Index .................................................................................................................................725