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"Based on the design and implementation of weather forecast software on the Android platform -- thesis.doc; abstract
With the gradual integration of smartphones into the daily lives of ordinary people, it has become the primary device for information retrieval. Therefore, there is great potential for the development of entertainment applications and services on smartphones, such as quick query software. The Android platform provides users with convenient quick query features, which in turn offers a better platform for the design and implementation of quick query services. Additionally, the Android platform is essentially free, effectively reducing the cost of software and allowing every user to freely access information, thus contributing to the popularization of quick query services on smartphones. This paper analyzes the system architecture and component model of the Android platform, as well as important APIs and application composition in Android, including the mechanism of Intent and lifecycle. Based on this analysis, a weather quick query software is designed and developed on the Android platform. This system has a user-friendly interface, convenient operation, and good scalability and maintainability. The system has been tested to run stably and can meet the basic needs of smartphone users.
Keywords: smartphone, Android, API, user"
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