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《C++17 - The Complete Guide》是由Nicolai M. Josuttis撰写的一本详尽的指南,针对C++17语言版本提供了全面深入的介绍。本书的第一版于2019年12月20日发布,作者保留所有版权,任何未经授权的复制、存储、检索或任何形式的传输都是被禁止的。这本书是使用LaTeX文档处理系统排版的,旨在为读者提供最新和最实用的C++17语言知识。 该书内容包括以下几个部分: 1. **前言**:这部分可能会介绍作者的写作背景、编写本书的目的以及读者群体,同时也可能概述C++17相对于之前版本的重要改进和新特性。 2. **本书版本**:列出本书的不同版本更新情况,确保读者了解他们所阅读的是哪个具体版本,可能有针对C++17标准更新的特别说明。 3. **致谢**:感谢了在编写过程中给予帮助和支持的人,可能是同行、编辑、审稿人或者社区成员。 4. **关于本书**:这部分会详细介绍书籍的目标、内容结构,以及作者对学习C++17读者的预期背景知识,例如他们应具备的编程基础和C++语言经验。 5. **阅读指南**:如何有效地利用本书进行学习,可能包含推荐的学习路径、习题解答的使用方法以及在线资源的链接。 6. **错误术语**:为了帮助读者理解,书中可能解释了一些编程术语和概念,确保他们能准确理解和应用C++17的特性和用法。 7. **目录**:详细的章节列表,涵盖了C++17语言的关键特性如通用元编程、异步/并行编程、新类型系统、以及对C++标准库的重大更新等内容。 8. **主体内容**:每一章深入剖析C++17的具体特性,通过实例演示、代码示例和详细解析来讲解,使读者能够掌握新功能的使用和潜在的最佳实践。 9. **后续支持与销售信息**:告知读者可以在哪里购买电子版或纸质版,以及Leanpub平台如何支持作者与读者之间的互动和反馈迭代。 《C++17 - The Complete Guide》是一本面向C++开发者的实用指南,旨在帮助读者充分利用C++17语言的新功能,提升编程技能,并适应不断演进的编程世界。通过本书,读者不仅能学到语言规范,还能学习到如何有效地在实际项目中应用这些新特性。
2017-12-30 上传
C++17 - The Complete Guide by Nicolai M. Josuttis Giving guidance on how to use Language and Library Features of C++17 For programmers, who want to switch to the latest version of Modern C++ C++17 i s the next evolution in modern C++ programming, which is already at least partially supported by the latest version of gcc, clang, and Visual C++. Although it is not as big a step as C++11, it contains a large number of small and valuable language and library features, which again will change the way we program in C++. This applies to both application programers and programmers providing foundation libraries. This book will present all the new language and library features in C++17. It will cover the motivation and context of each new feature with examples and background information. As usual for books by Nicolai Josuttis, the focus lies on the application of the new features in practice and will demonstrate how features impact day-to-day programming and how to benefit from them in projects. Nicolai M. Josuttis is an independent technical consultant who designs mid-sized and large software systems for the telecommunication, traffic, finance, and manufacturing industries. For almost 20 years he is a member of the C++ Standard Committee (library working group). He is well known in the programming community for his authoritative books. In addition to The C++ Standard Library, a worldwide best-seller since its first publication in 1999, his books include C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (with David Vandevoorde and Doug Gregor, Addison-Wesley, 2017) and SOA in Practice: The Art of Distributed System Design (O'Reilly Media, 2007).