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"Guice是一个轻量级的依赖注入框架,专门为Java 5及更高版本设计。它提供了灵活且易于测试的解决方案,减少了代码的重复和复杂性,从而提高应用程序的可维护性。Guice通过控制反转(IoC)的概念,帮助开发者解耦组件之间的依赖关系,使得组件更易于独立测试和组装。" Guice的核心概念是依赖注入(Dependency Injection,DI),它是一种设计模式,用于减少对象之间的硬编码依赖,从而使代码更加模块化和易于测试。Guice通过提供一种方式来声明和管理对象的依赖关系,使得在运行时可以自动创建和配置这些对象。 在传统的编程模式中,一个类通常会直接创建它所依赖的对象实例,这导致了代码紧密耦合。而在Guice中,我们定义接口和实现,然后使用注解来声明这些依赖。例如,`@Inject`注解用于指示Guice应该提供一个依赖对象。在上面的例子中,`Service`接口被实现为`ServiceImpl`,Guice可以被配置来创建`ServiceImpl`的实例,并将其注入到需要它的类中。 Guice的使用步骤通常包括以下几个部分: 1. **模块定义**:创建一个实现了``接口的类,其中包含`configure()`方法。在这个方法中,你可以使用`bind()`方法来指定接口和其实现之间的绑定关系。例如,可以这样绑定`Service`接口: ```java public class MyModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.bind(Service.class).to(ServiceImpl.class); } } ``` 2. **创建Injector**:使用`Guice.createInjector()`方法创建一个`Injector`实例,它是Guice的核心,负责管理和提供依赖对象: ```java Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule()); ``` 3. **依赖注入**:在需要依赖的类中,使用`@Inject`注解构造函数或字段,Guice会在运行时自动填充这些依赖: ```java public class Customer { private final Service service; @Inject public Customer(Service service) { this.service = service; } // ... } ``` 4. **获取对象**:通过`Injector`实例获取已配置的依赖对象: ```java Customer customer = injector.getInstance(Customer.class); ``` Guice还支持多种高级功能,如: - **类型注解绑定**:可以使用`@Named`或其他自定义注解来区分不同类型的同一接口实现,便于多态和选择性注入。 - **绑定到具体类型**:除了接口,还可以直接绑定到具体类型,甚至可以绑定到自身类型。 - **生命周期管理**:Guice支持单例、原型(每次请求新建对象)以及其他自定义的生命周期策略。 - **提供者方法**:当需要延迟实例化或有特殊初始化逻辑时,可以定义提供者方法。 - **AOP(面向切面编程)**:Guice与AspectJ结合,可以实现方法拦截和增强。 Guice的简单工厂模式示例展示了如何避免硬编码服务实现,通过静态工厂方法创建服务对象。然而,这种方式仍然需要手动管理对象,而Guice通过自动管理依赖关系,进一步简化了这一过程。 总结来说,Guice是一个强大的工具,能够帮助开发者构建松散耦合、易于测试的Java应用程序。通过使用依赖注入,Guice促进了代码的模块化,提高了可维护性和可扩展性。随着项目的复杂度增加,Guice的优势将更为显著。
2011-03-14 上传
Product Description Guice (pronounced "Juice") is the 100% Java icing on the cake of Java dependency injection. Unlike other popular DI frameworks such as Spring, Guice fully embraces modern Java language features and combines simplicity with stunning performance and developer-friendliness. Google Guice: Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework will not only tell you "how," it will also tell you "why" and "why not," so that all the knowledge you gain will be as widely applicable as possible. Filled with examples and background information, this book is an invaluable addition to your knowledge of modern agile Java. * Learn simple annotation-driven dependency injection, scoping and AOP, and why it all works the way it works. * Be the first to familiarize yourself with concepts that are likely to be included in a future Java EE or SE release (through JSR 299). * Get things done without having to write any XML. What you'll learn * Find out why dependency injection frameworks solve your problems, and how Guice fills that gap. * What Guice can do, can't do and how to apply that knowledge. * How Guice compares to popular alternatives like the Spring Framework. * What the future has in store, including Guice IDE, the next Guice version and the standardization of Guice's concepts through JSR 299. * How you can build real world, Guice-powered web applications using popular frameworks like Wicket or Struts 2. * How to develop a full stack Guice / Struts 2 / Hibernate application. * What you can really do with modern Java. Who is this book for? This book is for professional Java developers who are interested in dependency injection, modern Java coding practices and who want to tackle complexity with a simple, powerful and high-quality solution that already powers one of Google's highest profile applications: AdWords. This may be an alternative to Spring for many. About the Author Robbie Vanbrabant is an experienced Java developer and professional Java consultant based in Belgium. He's a well known Guice user and active member of the Guice community. Product Details * Paperback: 192 pages * Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (April 21, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 1590599977 * ISBN-13: 978-1590599976 * Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.5 x 0.6 inches
2019-07-19 上传
Acai 是 JUnit4 和 Guice 的测试库,可以更容易的编写应用功能测试。主要特性:注入测试需要的助手类启动测试需要的任意的服务 运行测试之间的服务清理按照正确顺序启动多个服务 创建测试作用域绑定Acai 主要针对的是应用大型功能测试。安装<dependency>   <groupId></groupId>   <artifactId>acai</artifactId>   <version>0.1</version>   <scope>test</scope> </dependency>使用 Acai 进行测试注入@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class SimpleTest {   @Rule public Acai acai = new Acai(MyTestModule.class);   @Inject private MyClass foo;   @Test   public void checkSomethingWorks() {     // Use the injected value of foo here   }   private static class MyTestModule extends AbstractModule {     @Override protected void configure() {       bind(MyClass.class).to(MyClassImpl.class);     }   } }使用 Acai 启动服务@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ExampleFunctionalTest {   @Rule public Acai acai = new Acai(MyTestModule.class);   @Inject private MyServerClient serverClient;   @Test   public void checkSomethingWorks() {     // Call the running server and test some behaviour here.     // Any state will be cleared by MyFakeDatabaseWiper after each     // test case.   }   private static class MyTestModule extends AbstractModule {     @Override protected void configure() {       // Normal Guice modules which configure your       // server with in-memory versions of backends.       install(MyServerModule());       install(MyFakeDatabaseModule());       install(new TestingServiceModule() {         @Override protected void configureTestingServices() {           bindTestingService(MyServerRunner.class);           bindTestingService(MyFakeDatabaseWiper.class);         }       });     }   }   private static class MyServerRunner implements TestingService {     @Inject private MyServer myServer;     @BeforeSuite void startServer() {       myServer.start().awaitStarted();     }   }   private static class MyFakeDatabaseWiper implements TestingService {     @Inject private MyFakeDatabse myFakeDatabase;     @AfterTest void wipeDatabase() {       myFakeDatabase.wipe();     }   } } 标签:Acai
2023-07-12 上传