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资源摘要信息:"next-number-app是一个基于Java语言开发的应用程序,用于生成连续的数字序列。该应用程序支持在多个环境下运行,包括在Vagrant和Docker容器中。 首先,next-number-app可以在Vagrant环境中运行。Vagrant是一个提供可重复的工作环境的工具,可以使用Vagrantfile来配置虚拟机环境。根据文件描述,当前使用的Vagrant版本为5.2.14。与Vagrant一起使用的文档还提到,可以通过运行vagrant up命令来启动Vagrant虚拟机,使用vagrant halt或vagrant suspend命令来停止或暂停虚拟机。 此外,next-number-app也支持在Docker容器中运行。Docker是一个开源的应用容器引擎,可以打包应用程序及其依赖到一个可移植的容器中。文件中提到,与Docker相关的版本信息包括Docker版本为18.03,docker-compose版本为1.22.0-rc2。用户可以通过构建并启动容器的方式来运行应用程序,具体的命令为./docker --start,停止容器的命令为./docker --close。 使用Vagrant或Docker容器运行next-number-app后,应用程序会在8080端口监听。用户可以通过netcat工具与应用程序交互,命令格式为nc localhost 8080。这样就可以从next-number-app获取连续的数字序列。 至于标签信息,文件中仅提供了一个标签"Java",这表明next-number-app的应用程序是由Java语言开发的。Java是一种广泛使用的面向对象的编程语言,具有良好的跨平台兼容性和丰富的类库支持,使得Java成为开发企业级应用和网络应用的理想选择。 最后,文件中还提到了压缩包文件的名称为next-number-app-master,这暗示了该应用的源代码可能托管在GitHub或其他代码托管平台上,并且可以通过git clone命令克隆到本地进行运行。下载并解压缩该文件后,用户需要导航到项目的文件夹中,然后按照指示操作。 总结以上信息,next-number-app是一个Java开发的简单应用程序,可以通过多种方式部署,并且可以通过netcat工具与之交互获取连续的数字。用户可以根据自己的需求选择使用Vagrant虚拟机或Docker容器来运行应用,并且可以通过GitHub获取应用的源代码。"
2023-06-11 上传

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; interface Music { name: string; url: string; picurl: string; artistsname: string; } @Component({ selector: 'app-music-player', templateUrl: './music-player.component.html', styleUrls: ['./music-player.component.scss'] }) export class MusicPlayerComponent { currentSong!: string; musicList: Music[] = []; currentIndex!: number; constructor(private http: HttpClient) { this.getMusicList(); } play() { const audioElement: HTMLAudioElement = document.getElementById('audio') as HTMLAudioElement; audioElement.play(); } pause() { const audioElement: HTMLAudioElement = document.getElementById('audio') as HTMLAudioElement; audioElement.pause(); } next() { this.currentIndex++; if (this.currentIndex >= this.musicList.length) { this.currentIndex = 0; } this.currentSong = this.musicList[this.currentIndex].url; const audioElement: HTMLAudioElement = document.getElementById('audio') as HTMLAudioElement; audioElement.src = this.currentSong; audioElement.play(); } getMusicList() { this.http.get<any>('https://api.uomg.com/api/rand.music?sort=热歌榜&format=json&mid=2642575625').subscribe( res => { const musicName = res.data.name; // 获取音乐名称 this.musicList = [{ name: musicName, // 将音乐名称赋值给name url: res.data.url, picurl: res.data.picurl, artistsname: res.data.artistsname }]; this.currentIndex = 0; this.currentSong = this.musicList[this.currentIndex].url; const audioElement: HTMLAudioElement = document.getElementById('audio') as HTMLAudioElement; audioElement.src = this.currentSong; }, error => { console.log('获取音乐列表失败', error); } ); } }

2023-07-11 上传

A random number of Rabbit images ranging from 1 to 10 are displayed for each operand and the user is expected to enter the values of the two operands and the result of adding the two operands, in the given text fields. When the user clicks on the button ‘Check!’, one of two things can happen: Case 1: all three input values are correct i) the text changes to ‘"Correct! Have another go?"’. ii) the number of Rabbit images displayed for each of the two operands changes. See Figure 2 for an example. iii) the three text fields are reset (i.e. they are made empty). 2/5 Case 2: at least one of the input values entered is incorrect i) the text changes to ‘Wrong! Try again!’. ii) the number of Rabbit images displayed does NOT change. iii) the text fields do NOT change.Implement SumItUp as a Java application. You application must satisfy ALL the specific requirements given below: a) The title of the top-level container must be ‘Welcome to SumItUp!’. b) The initial text should be ‘Enter two operands, result and click on 'Check!'’. See Figure 1. c) There should be no more than 4 Rabbit images per row. See Hint 1. d) The text fields should be wide enough to display at least TWO characters. e) The button ‘Check!’ must not resize when the GUI is resized. See Hint 2 and Figure 3. f) The ‘plus sign’ icon should appear vertically centered between the two sets of Rabbit images and must not resize when the GUI is resized. See Hint 2 and Figure 3. g) When first launched and whenever a correct answer is given, the number of displayed Rabbit images for each operand should change to any number between 1 and 10 (inclusive). See Hint 3 and Hint 4. Note: It is possible for the next number(s) to be the same as the current number(s). h) Nothing should happen if the user clicks the ‘Check!’ button while at least one of the text fields are empty, i.e. no errors should be thrown in this case. Note: You can assume that only a numeric value will be entered into the text fields.

2023-06-09 上传