The ART of Practical Synchronization
Viktor Leis Florian Scheibner Alfons Kemper Thomas Neumann
Technische Universität München
The performance of transactional database systems is critically de-
pendent on the efficient synchronization of in-memory data struc-
tures. The traditional approach, fine-grained locking, does not scale
on modern hardware. Lock-free data structures, in contrast, scale
very well but are extremely difficult to implement and often require
additional indirections. In this work, we argue for a middle ground,
i.e., synchronization protocols that use locking, but only sparingly.
We synchronize the Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) using two such
protocols, Optimistic Lock Coupling and Read-Optimized Write
EXclusion (ROWEX). Both perform and scale very well while be-
ing much easier to implement than lock-free techniques.
In traditional database systems, most data structures are pro-
tected by fine-grained locks
. This approach worked well in the
past, since these locks were only acquired for a short time and
disk I/O dominated overall execution time. On modern servers with
many cores and where most data resides in RAM, synchronization
itself often becomes a major scalability bottleneck. And with the
increasing number of CPU cores—Intel’s current server platform
Broadwell EP supports up to 24 cores per socket—efficient syn-
chronization will become even more important.
Figure 1 gives an overview over the synchronization paradigms
discussed in this paper. Besides traditional fine-grained locking,
which is known to scale badly on modern CPUs, the figure shows
the lock-free paradigm, which offers strong theoretical guarantees,
and Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM), which requires spe-
cial hardware support. When designing a data structure, so far, one
had to decide between the extreme difficulty of the lock-free ap-
proach, special hardware support of HTM, and poor scalability of
locking. In this paper, we present two additional points in the de-
sign space that fill the void in between. Optimistic Lock Coupling
and ROWEX are much easier to use than lock-free synchronization
but offer similar scalability without special hardware support.
In this paper, we always use the term “lock” instead of “latch”
since we focus on low-level data structure synchronization, not
high-level concurrency control.
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DaMoN’16, June 26-July 01 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA
2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4319-0/16/06. . . $15.00
ease of use
fine-grained locking
(lock coupling)
lock coupling
Figure 1: Overview of synchronization paradigms
We focus on synchronizing the Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) [12],
a general-purpose, order-preserving index structure for main-memory
database systems. ART is an interesting case study, because it is a
non-trivial data structure that was not designed with concurrency
in mind rather with high single-threaded performance. We present
a number of synchronization protocols for ART and compare them
Our main goal in this paper, however, is to distill general prin-
ciples for synchronizing data structures in general. This is impor-
tant for two reasons. First, besides index structures, database sys-
tems also require other data structures that must be concurrently ac-
cessible like tuple storage, buffer management data structures, job
queues, etc. Second, concurrent programs are very hard to write
and even harder to debug. We therefore present our ideas, which,
as we discuss in Section 6, are not entirely new, as general building
blocks that can be applied to other other data structures.
The rest of this work is organized as follows. We first present
necessary background about the Adaptive Radix Tree in Section 2.
The two new synchronization paradigms Optimistic Lock Coupling
and Read-Optimized Write EXclusion are introduced in Section 3
and Section 4. Section 5 evaluates the presented mechanisms. Fi-
nally, after discussing related work in Section 6, we present our
conclusions in Section 7.
Trie data structures, which are also known as radix trees and
prefix trees, have been shown to outperform classical in-memory
search trees [12, 10]. At the same time, and in contrast to hash