FP7209 LED升压驱动IC技术规格及特点

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The FP7209 is a non-synchronous boost LED driver IC that offers a range of features and benefits for LED lighting applications. With a low startup voltage of 2.8V and operating voltage range of 5V to 24V, this IC is versatile and efficient. The VFB feedback voltage of 0.25V ensures accurate and stable regulation, while also reducing power losses in the sampling resistor. The overall conversion efficiency is improved with this feedback voltage. The IC includes various protection features, such as LED open-circuit protection through external resistor adjustment, LED short-circuit protection through SC-controlled NMOS, overcurrent protection to prevent damage from excessive NMOS current, and built-in overheat protection. These features ensure the safety and reliability of the LED driver in various operating conditions. The FP7209 also offers dimming control capabilities through the DIM pin, which includes an internal filter for linear and digital dimming. The shutdown current is minimal at a maximum of 6μA, ensuring efficient power consumption during standby mode. The IC operates at a fixed frequency of 150kHz in the SOP-8L (EP) package, with adjustable frequency options ranging from 100kHz to 1000kHz in the TSSOP-14L (EP) package. The soft-start time, input undervoltage protection (UVP), and other parameters can also be adjusted in the TSSOP-14L (EP) package. In summary, the FP7209 is a reliable and efficient LED driver IC that offers a range of features to optimize performance and protect against various operating conditions. Its versatility, protection features, and dimming control capabilities make it a suitable choice for LED lighting applications.
2023-05-27 上传
2023-06-08 上传

void basicSettings(struct Student* student, struct Course courses[], int* numCourses) { int choose; printf("\n--------基本设置--------\n"); printf("\n--------1.添加学生信息--------\n"); printf("\n--------2.添加老师信息--------\n"); printf("\n--------3.修改密码--------\n"); printf("\n--------4.返回--------\n"); printf("请输入您的选择:\n"); scanf("%d", &choose); if(choose==1){ printf("\n"); printf("请输入班级:"); scanf("%s", student->className); printf("请输入学号:"); scanf("%s", student->id); printf("请输入姓名:"); scanf("%s", student->name); } if(choose==2) { printf("\n"); printf("请输入课程数:"); scanf("%d", numCourses); printf("请输入每门课程的名称和教师名字:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < *numCourses; i++) { printf("第%d门课程:", i + 1); scanf("%s %s", courses[i].name, courses[i].teacher); } } if(choose==3) { void changePassword(struct User* user) { printf("\n--------修改密码--------\n"); printf("请输入旧密码:"); char oldpassword[MAX_NAME_LEN]; scanf("%s", oldpassword); if (strcmp(oldpassword, user->password) != 0) { printf("密码错误,修改失败!\n"); return; } printf("请输入新密码:"); scanf("%s", user->password); printf("密码已修改!\n"); } changePassword(user_p); } FILE* fp = fopen("student.dat", "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("无法打开文件!\n"); return; } fwrite(student, sizeof(struct Student), 1, fp); fclose(fp); fp = fopen("courses.dat", "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("无法打开文件!\n"); return; } fwrite(courses, sizeof(struct Course), *numCourses, fp); fclose(fp); printf("设置已保存!\n"); } 修改代码

2023-05-31 上传

from tkinter import * from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer.converter import PDFPageAggregator, TextConverter from pdfminer.layout import LAParams, LTTextBoxHorizontal from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage class PDFViewer: def init(self, master): self.master = master master.title("PDF Viewer") # 创建文本框和滚动条 self.text = Text(master) self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(master, command=self.text.yview) self.text.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # 打开 PDF 文件 fp = open('x1/2023凯程333教育综合应试解析-外国教育史(OCR).pdf', 'rb') # 创建 PDF 解析器 parser = PDFParser(fp) # 创建 PDF 文档对象 document = PDFDocument(parser) # 获取页面布局参数 laparams = LAParams() # 创建 PDF 资源管理器 rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() # 创建聚合器对象 device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams) # 创建 PDF 解释器 interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device) # 处理每一页 PDF 页面 for page in PDFPage.create_pages(document): interpreter.process_page(page) # 获取页面布局 layout = device.get_result() # 提取每一页的文本内容 for x in layout: if isinstance(x, LTTextBoxHorizontal): text = x.get_text().strip() self.text.insert(END, text + '\n') # 关闭 PDF 文件 fp.close() root = Tk() pdf_viewer = PDFViewer(root) root.mainloop()上述文本框添加保存到本地功能的完整代码

2023-05-27 上传