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Linear quadratic optimal control is a commonly used method for designing optimal control systems. In this paper, the implementation of linear quadratic optimal control using MATLAB software with a GUI control interface is discussed. This GUI interface provides a user-friendly platform for designing optimal control systems. Linear quadratic optimal control, also known as LQ optimal control or steady-state state regulator for infinite time systems, is studied in this paper. The implementation of continuous system linear quadratic optimal control, discrete system linear quadratic optimal control, optimal observer and linear quadratic Gauss optimal control using MATLAB are discussed in detail. Different GUI interfaces are designed for each of these control systems based on different performance indicators, and their respective application ranges are explained. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the implementation of linear quadratic optimal control using MATLAB, emphasizing the importance of GUI control interfaces for user interaction and ease of use. Key words: linear quadratic, optimal control, GUI control interface, optimal observer, Gauss optimal control.
131 浏览量
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