
The graduation design project is about the design of a traffic light control system based on the AT89c51 single-chip microcontroller. In today's era of automation, many industries, including traffic light control, are closely related to computers. Therefore, a good traffic light control system will bring technological innovation to aspects such as road congestion and violation control. With the rapid development of large-scale integrated circuits and computer technology, as well as the widespread use of artificial intelligence in control technology, intelligent devices have made significant progress and have become the mainstream direction of modern technological development. This paper introduces the design of an intelligent traffic light system. The intelligent traffic light control system can monitor four main traffic intersections in a city, each intersection has a fixed working cycle, and the control center can change the cycle when the roads are congested. The system can also take instant photos of violating vehicles at intersections and extract license plate numbers. The design uses the AT89c51 single-chip microcontroller as the core for intersection control, magnetic induction sensors to collect violation signals, and a microcomputer in the control room to monitor intersections and handle violations. Image transmission is done through the public ADSL network, and MAX232 is used for single-chip communication conversion. The system also has anti-crash functions to prevent system failure.

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