
需积分: 5 2 下载量 55 浏览量 更新于2024-03-14 收藏 1.66MB DOCX 举报
The graduation thesis "Driving School Management System Based on SSM Model" aims to address the practical needs of driving school management. By analyzing the problems existing in the current driving school management systems, the thesis proposes a solution that combines the advantages of computer systems with the principles and methods of SSM three-layer design pattern. Utilizing the popular B/S structure of Java, myeclipse editor, and MySQL database design, the system consists of modules such as user management, website announcement management, coach and student information management, registration information management, and login module. The system aims to help driving school management personnel achieve informationization and networking, thereby improving the efficiency of driving school management while reducing economic investment. By effectively utilizing driving school management data resources and completing testing to meet system design goals, the system provides a more efficient alternative to traditional management practices. Keywords: Driving School Management; SSM Model; MySQL Database With a focus on enhancing the management efficiency of driving schools, the thesis presents a detailed background of the project, its significance, and the structure of the thesis. The development technology used, requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing process, conclusion, acknowledgments, and reference list are also included in the thesis. In conclusion, the driving school management system based on the SSM model represents a significant step towards modernizing and streamlining driving school management practices. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and design patterns, the system offers an efficient and user-friendly solution that can greatly benefit driving schools and their management personnel.