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Based on the analysis of power system distance protection simulation using PSCAD4.2 software, this study focused on the basic principles of distance protection for transmission lines. The simulation model was built using the tools provided by the software, setting up scenarios for both ground faults and phase faults that could occur in the transmission line. The waveform results showed the changes in voltage, current, and other quantities under different fault conditions, demonstrating the effectiveness of the three-stage distance protection. The simulation results indicated that the model accurately reflected the mechanism of distance protection, showing that the distance protection device can quickly respond to fault signals and operate the circuit breakers to protect the transmission line.
In conclusion, this study successfully utilized the PSCAD4.2 software to analyze and simulate the distance protection of a power system. By accurately representing the behavior of distance protection devices in response to various fault scenarios, this simulation provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of distance protection in ensuring the reliability and security of transmission lines. Key words: PSCAD4.2; distance protection; ground fault; simulation.
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