
需积分: 5 12 下载量 111 浏览量 更新于2024-03-24 9 收藏 15.36MB DOC 举报
With the continuous development and progress of the international community, the world's energy consumption is also increasing steadily. However, fossil fuels, which are non-renewable resources on Earth, are becoming increasingly scarce. In this context, photovoltaic power generation has entered the public's field of vision. In daily life, people often encounter situations where their mobile phones run out of battery. At such times, a solar-powered phone charger can come in handy as a backup power source when there is no access to a conventional power supply. The graduation design project discussed in this document is based on a single-chip microcomputer controlling the circuit to convert solar energy into a stable power source that can be used to charge mobile phones. The design incorporates components such as TP4056, a USB boost and stabilizing module, an LCD display screen, an ADC0832, a solar panel, rechargeable batteries, and a toggle switch. It is capable of self-testing and monitoring during the charging process to ensure the safety and reliability of the charging process. Various software tools were utilized in the execution of this graduation project, including Keil5, DXP2004, and Proteus. The final step involved burning the program into the single-chip microcomputer for operational purposes. The integration of these components and software tools enables the efficient and reliable functioning of the solar-powered phone charger.