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"Amazon Web Services in Action" 《Amazon Web Services in Action》是一本由Andreas Wittig和Michael Wittig合著的专业书籍,由Manning出版社出版。这本书深入浅出地介绍了亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services,简称AWS)的相关知识,旨在帮助读者理解并掌握如何在实际操作中使用AWS。书中可能涵盖了AWS的核心服务、架构设计、云策略以及最佳实践等多个方面。 AWS是全球领先的云服务提供商,提供了一系列包括计算、存储、数据库、分析、机器学习、物联网等在内的广泛服务。通过这本书,读者可以了解到AWS的基础服务,如EC2(弹性计算云)用于托管虚拟服务器,S3(简单存储服务)用于对象存储,以及RDS(关系数据库服务)用于管理和运行云中的数据库。 作者Andreas Wittig和Michael Wittig很可能是AWS领域的专家,他们通过本书分享了丰富的经验和见解,帮助读者理解和应用AWS。书中的内容可能不仅限于理论知识,还可能包含大量实际案例和实战练习,让读者能够快速上手并解决实际问题。 在实际使用AWS时,安全性和合规性是至关重要的主题,书中可能会讨论IAM(身份和访问管理)以控制用户和资源的访问权限,以及VPC(虚拟私有云)来创建安全的云环境。此外,可能还会介绍成本优化策略,如使用定价模型如按需付费、预留实例和节省计划来有效地管理费用。 书中可能会涵盖AWS的高级特性,如Lambda函数(无服务器计算)、DynamoDB(高性能NoSQL数据库)、CloudFormation(模板化基础设施部署)以及CloudFront(内容分发网络)。这些服务可以帮助构建高度可扩展、高可用性和高性能的应用。 此外,对于想要通过AWS认证的读者,本书可能提供了备考指导和关键概念的深入解析,有助于准备AWS认证考试,如AWS Certified Solutions Architect、AWS Certified Developer和AWS Certified SysOps Administrator等。 总而言之,《Amazon Web Services in Action》是一本全面的指南,适合想要深入了解和使用AWS的IT专业人员、开发人员、系统管理员和企业决策者。通过本书,读者将能够熟悉AWS生态系统,学习如何利用其强大的功能构建、部署和管理云基础设施。
246 浏览量
Run Docker on AWS and build real-world, secure, and scalable container platforms on cloud Key Features Configure Docker for the ECS environment Integrate Docker with different AWS tools Implement container networking and deployment at scale Book Description Over the last few years, Docker has been the gold standard for building and distributing container applications. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leader in public cloud computing, and was the first to offer a managed container platform in the form of the Elastic Container Service (ECS). Docker on Amazon Web Services starts with the basics of containers, Docker, and AWS, before teaching you how to install Docker on your local machine and establish access to your AWS account. You'll then dig deeper into the ECS, a native container management platform provided by AWS that simplifies management and operation of your Docker clusters and applications for no additional cost. Once you have got to grips with the basics, you'll solve key operational challenges, including secrets management and auto-scaling your infrastructure and applications. You'll explore alternative strategies for deploying and running your Docker applications on AWS, including Fargate and ECS Service Discovery, Elastic Beanstalk, Docker Swarm and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In addition to this, there will be a strong focus on adopting an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach using AWS CloudFormation. By the end of this book, you'll not only understand how to run Docker on AWS, but also be able to build real-world, secure, and scalable container platforms in the cloud. What you will learn Build, deploy, and operate Docker applications using AWS Solve key operational challenges, such as secrets management Exploit the powerful capabilities and tight integration of other AWS services Design and operate Docker applications running on ECS Deploy Docker applications quickly, consistently, and reliably using IaC Manage and operate Docker clusters and applications for no additional cost Who this book is for Docker on Amazon Web Services is for you if you want to build, deploy, and operate applications using the power of containers, Docker, and Amazon Web Services. Basic understanding of containers and Amazon Web Services or any other cloud provider will be helpful, although no previous experience of working with these is required. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Container and Docker Fundamentals Chapter 2 Building Applications Using Docker Chapter 3 Getting Started with AWS Chapter 4 Introduction to ECS Chapter 5 Publishing Docker Images using ECR Chapter 6 Building Custom ECS Container Instances Chapter 7 Creating ECS Clusters Chapter 8 Deploying Applications using ECS Chapter 9 Managing Secrets Chapter 10 Isolating Network Access Chapter 11 Managing ECS Infrastucture Lifecycle Chapter 12 ECS Auto Scaling Chapter 13 Continuously Delivering ECS Applications Chapter 14 Fargate and ECS Service Discovery Chapter 15 Elastic Beanstalk Chapter 16 Docker Swarm in AWS Chapter 17 Elastic Kubernetes Service Chapter 18 Assessments