第 39 卷 第 6 期 自 动 化 学 报 Vol. 39, No. 6
2013 年 6 月 ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA June, 2013
基于 EKF 的集中式融合估计研究
徐 姿
摘 要 以一类非线性多传感器动态系统为对象, 基于扩展 Kalman 滤波器 (Extend Kalman filter, EKF) 介绍三种典型非
线性集中式融合算法, 并以此为基础研究部分线性动态系统融合理论在非线性系统中的推广与完善. 首先, 利用 EKF 的一种
信息滤波器形式 (Extend information filter, EIF) 给出测量值扩维融合、测量值加权融合和顺序滤波融合算法公式, 进而研
究三种非线性融合算法的估计性能比较以及测量值融合更新次序是否满足可交换性. 结果表明: 当各传感器的测量特性相同
时, 集中式测量值扩维和测量值加权融合算法的估计精度功能等价; 非线性顺序滤波融合与其他两种融合算法之间不再具备
线性多传感器系统中估计功能的完全等价特性; 在融合精度不变前提下非线性顺序滤波融合中, 各传感器观测更新次序不再
完全满足可交换性. 4 个基于纯方位目标跟踪的数值仿真被用来验证文中所得结论的有效性和正确性.
关键词 非线性系统, 扩展信息滤波, 集中式融合, 等价性, 协方差阵
引用格式 葛泉波, 李文斌, 孙若愚, 徐姿. 基于 EKF 的集中式融合估计研究. 自动化学报, 2013, 39(6): 816−825
DOI 10.3724/SP.J.1004.2013.00816
Centralized Fusion Algorithms Based on EKF for Multisensor
Non-linear Systems
GE Quan-Bo
LI Wen-Bin
SUN Ruo-Yu
Abstract Aiming at a kind of nonlinear multisensor systems, we study three classic nonlinear centralized fusion algo-
rithms based on the extend Kalman filter (EKF) and extend some fusion theories for linear dynamic systems to nonlinear
systems. On the basis of extend information filter (EIF), three kinds of fusion algorithms such as augmented measurements
fusion, measurements weighted fusion and sequential filtering fusion are presented. Afterwards, we compare estimate accu-
racies of the three nonlinear fusion algorithms, and discuss the exchanging property of measurement
s update order. The
results are as follows. Firstly, when measurement properties are identical, the estimate of the augmented measurements
fusion algorithm and the measurements weighted fusion algorithm are equivalcent. Secondly, the estimate accuracy of
the sequential filtering fusion do es not hold completely functional equivalence in linear systems as the other two fusion
metho ds. Thirdly, the exchanging property of the measurement
s update order of nonlinear sequential filtering fusion can
no longer be guaranteed. Four examples based on bearings-only tracking are shown to demonstrat the validity of the
Key words Non-linear systems, extend information filter (EIF), centralized fusion, equivalence, covariance
Citation Ge Quan-Bo, Li Wen-Bin, Sun Ruo-Yu, Xu Zi. Centralized fusion algorithms based on EKF for multisensor
non-linear systems. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2013, 39(6): 816−825
收稿日期 2011-10-24 录用日期 2012-09-05
Manuscript received October 24, 2011; accepted September 5,
国家自然科学基金 (61172133, 91016020, 60934009, 61273075,
61002018) 和浙江省自然科学基金 (LY12F03004) 资助
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
(61172133, 91016020, 60934009, 61273075, 61002018) and the
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LY12F03004)
本文责任编委 方海涛
Recommended by Associate Editor FANG Hai-Tao
1. 杭州电子科技大学自动化学院系统科学与控制工程研究所 杭州
310018 中国 2. 明尼苏达大学电子与计算机工程系 明尼阿波利斯
55455 美国 3. 上海大学理学院 上海 200444 中国
1. Institute of Systems Science and Control Engineering, School
of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018,
China 2. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455, USA 3. College
of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
系统的功能需求迅速提高, 尤其是对系统状态的高
估计性能要求越来越迫切. 由于单个传感器在测量
精度、范围、稳定性和可靠性方面存在明显不足, 使
研究越来越重视. 多传感器信息融合是指把多个相
一准则下加以综合, 利用信息互补并进行融合滤波
处理, 最终形成统一的目标状态估计
. 目前, 多
关注, 并已在众多民用和国防等领域得到了广泛应
从融合结构上说, 多传感器融合可分为集中式
和分布式两大类. 集中式融合具有精度高和计算复
杂等特点, 而分布式融合在生存性和计算方面具有