C. Dombayci et al.
When other related methods and this study are connected, work is in the same research
line with Muñoz (2011) in terms of using functionalities of ontological models and the
knowledge introducing and collecting methods are managed generally. Additionally, this
work is not only on the interfacing of different elements in production systems but also
the solutions of mathematical programmes compared with Vegetti and Henning, (2015).
Modelling in the ontology is the main issue in this methodology, and similarly connecting
this model with programming skills. In general, problems occur in these connections and
more difficulties are expected in the solving of large scale problems.
5. Conclusions
This paper proposes a methodology for integrated management of production systems. It
also presents a modular approach, and introduces a flexible way of managing production
in different process cells while incorporating the planning requirements. The data needed
to solve the different optimization problems in different production scenarios are
introduced to a general class of problem formulation through a single interface, and the
ontology determines the problem instance to be solved. The methodology showed
robustness and flexibility for developing more complex cases and may be adapted to use
different auxiliary tools (like sophisticated drawing tools to efficiently feed data to the
Future work in this line involves developing a more general formulation to address other
classes of problems in hierarchical systems. Thus, extended formulations should be
implemented and the capacity of the methodology should be tested accordingly.
Additionally, exploring data base applications to connect module 1 with other modules
and investigating further data exchange applications will be investigated.
Financial support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
and the European Regional Development Fund (research Project SIGERA, DPI2012-
37154-C02-01), the ‘Agencia de Gesti d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca-AGAUR’ (2014
FI00305), the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT) and
the Research Group CEPEiMA (2014SGR1092), is fully appreciated.
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