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"Quest3D是一款实时三维开发工具,支持使用Lua脚本来增强其功能。Lua是一种轻量级的脚本语言,被集成在Quest3D中用于处理特定任务,如加载或卸载信道组、执行复杂的计算和构建迭代器结构。在Quest3D中,Lua Script信道允许用户编写和运行Lua代码,这些代码可以在CallChannel调用信道时被执行。" 在《》中,关于Lua脚本的讨论强调了它在Quest3D信道系统中的应用。Quest3D的积木式模块元件虽然包含预装的C++和DirectX代码,但某些高级功能和自定义逻辑更适合通过脚本语言实现。Lua因其简洁的语法和高效性,成为了Quest3D的首选脚本语言。 Lua Script信道提供了一个属性窗口,用户可以直接在此编写和编辑Lua函数。这些函数通常包括两个部分:一个是"CallChannel",当简单调用信道时会被执行。这样的设计使得Lua脚本可以与Quest3D的事件驱动模型紧密结合,根据需要响应特定的事件或执行特定的操作。 对于初学者来说,理解Lua在Quest3D中的作用至关重要。例如,Lua可以用于动态控制场景中的对象,处理用户输入,或者实现复杂的逻辑,这些都是传统图形编程可能难以处理的。此外,Lua的迭代器结构(如for循环)特别适合处理数据集合,这对于实时渲染和交互性应用非常重要。 在Quest3D的环境中,使用Lua脚本可以提高开发效率,因为编写和修改脚本比重新编译C++代码要快速得多。同时,由于Lua是开源的,开发者可以访问大量的社区资源和库,进一步扩展其功能。 教程指南部分提到了一些翻译注意事项,包括译者按照Quest3D 3.0的练习步骤在3.6.6版本上进行的测试,以及针对不同版本的界面差异所做的注释和调整。这个中文译本旨在提供一个基础的学习平台,并鼓励读者提供反馈和建议,以便不断改进和完善。 Lua作为Quest3D中的脚本语言,为实时三维开发提供了强大的灵活性和便捷性。掌握Lua的使用能够极大地提升Quest3D项目开发的效率和效果。通过深入学习和实践,开发者可以利用Lua实现更多创新和复杂的功能,以满足各种实时图形应用程序的需求。
2019-05-26 上传
Title: Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, 3rd Edition Author: Sumanta Guha Length: 760 pages Edition: 3 Language: English Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Publication Date: 2019-01-07 ISBN-10: 1138612642 ISBN-13: 9781138612648 Description COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF SHADERS AND THE PROGRAMMABLE PIPELINE From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting, shading and texturing, Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics which uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. Equally emphasizing theory and practice, the book provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics, but also the use of the OpenGL® Application Programming Interface (API) to code 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies. The undergraduate core of the book takes the student from zero knowledge of computer graphics to a mastery of the fundamental concepts with the ability to code applications using fourth-generation OpenGL®. The remaining chapters explore more advanced topics, including the structure of curves and surfaces, applications of projective spaces and transformations and the implementation of graphics pipelines. This book can be used for introductory undergraduate computer graphics courses over one to two semesters. The careful exposition style attempting to explain each concept in the simplest terms possible should appeal to the self-study student as well. Features Covers the foundations of 3D computer graphics, including animation, visual techniques and 3D modeling Comprehensive coverage of OpenGL® 4.x, including the GLSL and vertex, fragment, tessellation and geometry shaders Includes 180 programs with 270 experiments based on them Contains 750 exercises, 110 worked examples, and 700 four-color illustrations Requires no previous knowledge of computer graphics Balances theory with programming practice using a hands-on interacti
2019-05-26 上传
Title: Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, 3rd Edition--true PDF Author: Sumanta Guha Length: 760 pages Edition: 3 Language: English Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Publication Date: 2019-01-07 ISBN-10: 1138612642 ISBN-13: 9781138612648 Description COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF SHADERS AND THE PROGRAMMABLE PIPELINE From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting, shading and texturing, Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics which uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. Equally emphasizing theory and practice, the book provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics, but also the use of the OpenGL® Application Programming Interface (API) to code 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies. The undergraduate core of the book takes the student from zero knowledge of computer graphics to a mastery of the fundamental concepts with the ability to code applications using fourth-generation OpenGL®. The remaining chapters explore more advanced topics, including the structure of curves and surfaces, applications of projective spaces and transformations and the implementation of graphics pipelines. This book can be used for introductory undergraduate computer graphics courses over one to two semesters. The careful exposition style attempting to explain each concept in the simplest terms possible should appeal to the self-study student as well. Features Covers the foundations of 3D computer graphics, including animation, visual techniques and 3D modeling Comprehensive coverage of OpenGL® 4.x, including the GLSL and vertex, fragment, tessellation and geometry shaders Includes 180 programs with 270 experiments based on them Contains 750 exercises, 110 worked examples, and 700 four-color illustrations Requires no previous knowledge of computer graphics Balances theory with programming practice using a hands-on