69 浏览量
收藏 273KB DOC 举报
The Java University Equipment Management System is a computer graduation design project that aims to streamline the process of managing equipment within universities. This project involves the translation of English literature related to Java programming, specifically focusing on Servlet and JSP technology.
Servlet programs run on the server-side and are used to dynamically generate web pages. In comparison to traditional CGI technology, Java Servlets are more efficient, easier to use, and more powerful. They also offer better portability, making them a preferred choice for developing web applications.
The project involves the translation of graduation design documents, including instructions and literature related to computer software engineering. The goal is to provide an overview of Servlet and JSP technology, highlighting its importance and benefits in the field of software development.
Overall, this project emphasizes the significance of utilizing Java programming in the development of university equipment management systems. By incorporating Servlet and JSP technology, universities can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their equipment management processes.
2022-06-15 上传
101 浏览量
2024-04-16 上传
2021-09-29 上传
2023-08-19 上传
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