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"Java深度学习书籍,由Yusuke Sugomori撰写,Packt Publishing于2016年出版,ISBN:9781785282195,涵盖主题包括数据分析。本书旨在深入浅出地介绍数据科学的未来,并教授如何使用Java构建深度学习和人工智能的核心算法。适合于数据科学家、Java开发者以及想要利用深度学习进行项目开发的机器学习用户阅读。" 在《Java Deep Learning Essentials》这本书中,作者Yusuke Sugomori引领读者超越理论,将深度学习付诸实践。本书重点在于通过Java来实现深度学习,涵盖了多种领先框架,如DL4J、Theano和Caffe。无论你是数据科学家还是Java开发者,甚至是希望在大数据环境中应用深度学习的机器学习用户,都能从中受益。 本书中,读者将学到以下内容: 1. 进行深入的机器学习和深度学习算法实践。这不仅包括了理论知识的讲解,更注重实际操作,让读者能够动手实现这些复杂的算法。 2. 实现与深度学习相关的机器学习算法。深度学习是机器学习的一个分支,书中将介绍如何在Java环境下构建这些算法,以解决实际问题。 3. 探索使用流行深度学习框架构建的神经网络。DL4J、Theano和Caffe等框架提供了构建和训练神经网络的强大工具,读者将了解到如何运用这些框架来搭建和优化模型。 4. 学习如何运用深度学习技术处理大数据环境中的问题。随着大数据时代的到来,深度学习在处理大规模数据集时的优势越来越明显,本书将指导读者在这样的环境中有效应用深度学习。 5. 逐步指导,从基础知识到高级技巧,帮助读者逐步建立深度学习项目。这将涉及数据预处理、模型训练、验证和评估,以及模型的部署和维护。 6. 了解深度学习的实际应用案例。通过具体的项目实例,读者可以更好地理解深度学习在图像识别、自然语言处理、推荐系统等领域中的应用。 《Java Deep Learning Essentials》是一本面向实践者的深度学习指南,它将帮助读者掌握深度学习的关键概念和工具,提升在Java开发中的数据科学能力。对于希望在Java环境中开展深度学习工作的专业人士来说,这是一本不可多得的参考资料。
2018-04-03 上传
Chapter 1, Machine Learning Review, is a refresher of basic concepts and techniques that the reader would have learned from Packt's Learning Machine Learning in Java or a similar text. This chapter is a review of concepts such as data, data transformation, sampling and bias, features and their importance, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, big data learning, stream and real-time learning, probabilistic graphic models, and semi-supervised learning. Chapter 2, Practical Approach to Real-World Supervised Learning, cobwebs dusted, dives straight into the vast field of supervised learning and the full spectrum of associated techniques. We cover the topics of feature selection and reduction, linear modeling, logistic models, non-linear models, SVM and kernels, ensemble learning techniques such as bagging and boosting, validation techniques and evaluation metrics, and model selection. Using WEKA and RapidMiner, we carry out a detailed case study, going through all the steps from data analysis to analysis of model performance. As in each of the other chapters, the case study is presented as an example to help the reader understand how the techniques introduced in the chapter are applied in real life. The dataset used in the case study is UCI HorseColic. Chapter 3, Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques, presents many advanced methods in clustering and outlier techniques, with applications. Topics covered are feature selection and reduction in unsupervised data, clustering algorithms, evaluation methods in clustering, and anomaly detection using statistical, distance, and distribution techniques. At the end of the chapter, we perform a case study for both clustering and outlier detection using a real-world image dataset, MNIST. We use the Smile API to do feature reduction and ELKI for learning. Chapter 4, Semi-supervised Learning and Active Learning, gives details of algorithms and techniques for learning when only a small amount labeled data is present. Topics