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收藏 149KB DOC 举报
Automated Professional English Vocabulary.doc contains a comprehensive list of commonly used terms in the field of automation. These terms cover a wide range of topics including acceleration transducers, accumulated errors, AC-DC-AC frequency converters, and AC electric drives. The document also includes definitions for terms such as active attitude stabilization, adjoint operators, admissible errors, and amplifying elements.
Additionally, the vocabulary list includes terms related to analog-digital conversion, operational amplifiers, aperiodic decomposition, approximate reasoning, and a priori estimates. Other important terms in the document are articulated robots, asymptotic stability, attained pose drift, attitude acquisition, and AOCS (attitude and orbit control system).
Overall, this document serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the field of automation, providing them with a comprehensive list of terms and definitions to aid in their understanding and communication within the industry.
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