Constructing the scattering matrix for optical
microcavities as a nonlocal boundary value
Department of Engineering Science and Physics, College of Staten Island, CUNY, Staten Island, New York 10314, USA
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, New York 10016, USA (
Received 18 August 2017; revised 17 September 2017; accepted 17 September 2017; posted 18 September 2017 (Doc. ID 304065);
published 20 October 2017
We develop a numerical scheme to construct the scattering (S ) matrix for optical microcavities, including the
special cases with parity-time and other non-Hermitian symmetries. This scheme incorporates the explicit form of
a nonlocal boundary condition, with the incident light represented by an inhomogeneous term. This approach
resolves the artifact of a discontinuous normal derivative typically found in the R-matrix method. In addition, we
show that, by excluding the aforementioned inhomogeneous term, the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in our
approach also determines the Periels–Kapur states, and it constitutes an alternative approach to derive the stan-
dard R-matrix result in this basis. Therefore, our scheme provides a convenient framework to explore the benefits
of both approaches. We illustrate this boundary value problem using 1D and 2D scalar Helmholtz equations.
The eigenvalue s and poles of the S matrix calculated using our approach show good agreement with results
obtained by other means.
© 2017 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (140.3945) Microcavities; (290.5825) Scattering theory; (080.6755) Systems with special symmetry.
Driven by advances in nanofabrication capabilities and their
applications to integrated optics, understanding resonances
and wave transport in optical microcavities [1,2] has been
one of the most energized subjects in modern optics. These
compact optical structures also offer a unique opportunity to
study non-Hermitian phenomena [3] and wave chaos [4,5]
in a well-controlled manner. To probe these properties of
optical microcavities, one approach resorts to the scattering (S)
matrix formalism [6], which was an essential tool in the under-
standing of resonances in nuclear physics [7,8], particle physics
[9], and quantum field theory [10], which also played a crucial
role in the study of wave transport in various fields, including
condensed matter systems [11], optics [12], and microwave
networks [13].
In essence, the S matrix, denoted by an energy- or
frequency-dependent Sω, connects a set of incoming chan-
nels Ψ
to their corresponding outgoing channels Ψ
, both
defined outside the scattering potential. Therefore, it takes
the openness of the system into account, and the conservation
of optical flux in the absence of gain and loss is manifested by
the unitarity of Sω [i.e., SωS
ω1]. When Sω is
analytically continued into the complex-ω plane, its poles
(i.e., where its eigenvalues approach infinity) correspond to
the resonances of the system, whose wave functions only con-
nect to the outgoing channels, now also evaluated at complex
frequencies [14].
As already pointed out by Wigner and Eisenbud’s early work
in nuclear physics [8], the calculation of the S matrix can be
understood as a nonlocal boundary value problem (BVP),
which was derived using an orthogonal basis of the system
and explicitly contains the real-valued frequencies of this basis.
More specifically, this orthogonal basis was defined with van-
ishing normal derivatives at the boundary of the system, and, as
a result, the expansion of an arbitrary state Ψ using a finite
number of these basis functions has a discontinuous normal
derivative in general as an artifact [8,15]. Alternatively, the
expansion can be carried out using quasinormal modes [16]
(i.e., the Gamow states [14]) or the Periels–Kapur states
[17,18], both defined with purely outgoing boundary condi-
tions. These approaches, however, do not remove the artifact
in the normal derivative, due to the lack of incoming flux that
is inherent in the scattering process. We note that in literature
the modal expansion approach, regardless of the specific basis,
is referred to as the R-matrix method [15] in general.
Although the consequence of the aforementioned artifact
may be insignificant with the introduction of the Bloch oper-
ator [19] and a large number of basis functions [20], having an
Vol. 5, No. 6 / December 2017 / Photonics Research
Research Article
2327-9125/17/060B20-09 Journal © 2017 Chinese Laser Press