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The graduation thesis "Design and Implementation of the Nanyang Polytechnic Classmate Alumni System" explores the development and implementation of a web-based classmate alumni system using PHP and MySQL technologies. In today's fast-paced world, communication and networking have shifted towards online platforms for convenience and efficiency. The classmate alumni system serves as a platform for students to connect and stay in touch with one another, providing features such as user registration, profile modification, adding friends, messaging, and instant messaging.
Furthermore, the system also includes an administrator module to ensure user security and network optimization. The administrator is responsible for managing users, friendships, posts, messages, and announcements. By establishing the classmate alumni system, the bond between classmates and the alma mater is strengthened, creating a bridge for communication and fostering a sense of connection among students. The key technologies used in creating this system include PHP, MySQL, and Wamp.
Overall, the implementation of the Nanyang Polytechnic Classmate Alumni System demonstrates the importance of leveraging technology to enhance communication and networking among students. Through this system, students can easily stay connected, share memories, and engage with their peers and school community. This system not only facilitates communication but also promotes a sense of belonging and unity among classmates.
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