"房屋租赁合同英文Tenancy Agreement.doc详细解读及租赁范围"
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The Tenancy Agreement is a legally binding contract between the Landlord (referred to as Party A) and the Tenant (referred to as Party B) regarding the rental of a property located at 207 Pu Jian Road, Lane 6, No. 602. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the lease, including the rent amount, duration of the tenancy, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
Party A agrees to rent the property in good condition for residential use by Party B. The agreement specifies the obligations of both the Landlord and Tenant, such as rent payment schedule, maintenance responsibilities, and restrictions on use of the property.
The agreement also includes provisions for security deposit, utilities, and termination of the lease. Both parties are required to abide by the terms of the agreement and any violations may result in legal consequences.
Overall, the Tenancy Agreement serves to protect the rights of both the Landlord and Tenant and ensures a smooth and mutually beneficial rental arrangement. It is important for both parties to thoroughly review and understand the terms of the agreement before signing to prevent any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.
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