192 浏览量
收藏 586KB DOC 举报
The real-time monitoring system for environmental temperature and humidity parameters is a crucial aspect in industrial production. The adoption of a single-chip microcontroller for monitoring parameters such as temperature and humidity provides convenience, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness, while significantly improving the quality of monitoring. This paper presents the design of a real-time monitoring device for environmental temperature and humidity parameters using a single-chip microcontroller AT89C51 as the control core. The device utilizes the unique single-bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 for temperature collection and the humidity-sensitive capacitor HS1101 for humidity parameter collection. The LCD display screen provides real-time display of the current temperature and humidity values, allowing users to easily understand the measured environmental parameters. Users can set temperature and humidity upper and lower limits according to their own requirements using the keypad, while the alarm device can be set to alert for temperature and humidity threshold exceedances. Keywords: temperature and humidity monitoring; threshold alarm; LCD display.
113 浏览量
2021-10-10 上传
2021-10-12 上传
2023-07-06 上传
2023-07-10 上传
675 浏览量
2021-10-08 上传

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