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"Professional.JavaScript.for.Web.Developers.pdf 是一本专为Web开发者设计的深入讲解JavaScript语言的书籍,由Nicholas C. Zakas撰写,是Wrox Programmerto Programmer系列的一部分。该书的第二版提供了关于JavaScript的全面知识,包括微软Visual Studio、FireBug和Drosera等调试工具的使用,客户端数据存储方法如cookies、DOM和Flash,客户端图形处理(如SVG、VML和Canvas),以及创建型、结构型和行为型的设计模式。此外,还提及了与之相关的其他资源,如Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition,该书涵盖了Prototype、jQuery、FireBug、Microsoft Fiddler、ASP.NET AJAX Extensions等内容,适合想要提升网站和Web应用性能,以及进阶JavaScript开发技能的读者。" 在《Professional JavaScript for Web Developers》第二版中,作者深入探讨了JavaScript的核心概念和技术,这些知识点包括: 1. **JavaScript语言基础**:书中详细阐述了JavaScript的基本语法、变量、数据类型、运算符、控制流语句、函数和对象等核心概念,这对于理解和编写JavaScript代码至关重要。 2. **调试工具**:介绍如何使用微软Visual Studio、FireBug和Drosera等工具进行JavaScript代码的调试,帮助开发者定位并解决问题,提高开发效率。 3. **客户端数据存储**:讲解了使用cookies、DOM存储和Flash来实现客户端数据持久化的方法,这些都是Web应用中常见且重要的功能。 4. **客户端图形处理**:通过SVG(可缩放矢量图形)、VML(Vector Markup Language)和Canvas,读者可以学习如何用JavaScript在浏览器中创建动态和交互式的图形,丰富Web页面的表现力。 5. **设计模式**:讨论了创建型、结构型和行为型的设计模式,这些模式可以帮助开发者编写更高效、可维护的代码,提高代码质量。 6. **关联技术**:提到了与JavaScript紧密相关的其他库和框架,如Prototype和jQuery,它们简化了DOM操作和事件处理,并提供了丰富的插件和功能扩展。同时,还介绍了FireBug和Microsoft Fiddler这样的调试和网络分析工具,以及ASP.NET AJAX Extensions,帮助开发者在不同环境下更好地运用JavaScript。 通过阅读这本书,Web开发者不仅可以掌握JavaScript的基础和高级技巧,还能了解到当前Web开发的最新趋势和技术,从而提升自己的职业素养和项目能力。
2018-09-04 上传
This book provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript. Coverage includes: JavaScript use with HTML to create dynamic webpages, language concepts including syntax and flow control statementsvariable handling given their loosely typed naturebuilt-in reference types such as object and arrayobject-oriented programingpowerful aspects of function expressionsBrowser Object Model allowing interaction with the browser itselfdetecting the client and its capabilitiesDocument Object Model (DOM) objects available in DOM Level 1how DOM Levels 2 and 3 augmented the DOMevents, legacy support, and how the DOM redefined how events should workenhancing form interactions and working around browser limitationsusing the tag to create on-the-fly graphicsJavaScript API changes in HTML5how browsers handle JavaScript errors and error handlingfeatures of JavaScript used to read and manipulate XML datathe JSON data format as an alternative to XMLAjax techniques including the use of XMLHttpRequest object and CORScomplex patterns including function currying, partial function application, and dynamic functionsoffline detection and storing data on the client machinetechniques for JavaScript in an enterprise environment for better maintainability This book is aimed at three groups of readers: Experienced object-oriented programming developers looking to learn JavaScript as it relates to traditional OO languages such as Java and C++; Web application developers attempting to enhance site usability; novice JavaScript developers. Nicholas C. Zakas worked with the Web for over a decade. He has worked on corporate intranet applications used by some of the largest companies in the world and large-scale consumer websites such as MyYahoo! and the Yahoo! homepage. He regularly gives talks at companies and conferences regarding front-end best practices and new technology.