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"Concurrency in C# Cookbook by Stephen Cleary 是一本专注于C#编程语言中并发处理的实用指南。作者在书中探讨了如何有效地利用多核处理器的计算能力,解决并发和并行编程中的挑战,包括线程管理、反应式编程模型以及更广泛的相关主题。这本书得到了Scott Hanselman、Jon Skeet和Stephen Toub等知名软件工程师的高度评价,他们一致认为它是.NET开发者理解和应用现代并发技术的理想参考书。" 并发是现代计算机科学中的一个重要领域,尤其是在C#这样的多线程支持的语言中。C#为并发提供了丰富的工具和框架,如Task Parallel Library (TPL)、async/await 关键字以及.NET Framework中的其他并发原语。这本书详细介绍了以下关键知识点: 1. **线程管理**:学习如何创建和管理线程,理解线程生命周期,以及如何避免线程同步问题,如死锁、竞态条件和资源争抢。 2. **并发模式**:书中涵盖了各种并发模式,如生产者消费者模型、工作窃取算法和信号量,这些都是解决并发问题的基础。 3. **异步编程**:深入理解C#的async/await 关键字,它们使得编写非阻塞I/O操作变得更加简洁,从而提高应用程序的响应性和性能。 4. **任务并行库(TPL)**:了解如何使用TPL来执行并行任务,以及如何控制任务调度和数据依赖。 5. **反应式编程**:探讨Rx.NET(Reactive Extensions)框架,它允许开发者以声明式的方式处理事件和流数据,适用于构建响应式和异步的应用程序。 6. **并发原语**:学习Mutex、Semaphore、Monitor等同步机制,以及如何在多线程环境中正确使用它们。 7. **性能优化**:讨论如何度量和分析并发代码的性能,以及如何通过调整并行度和资源分配来优化程序。 8. **并发陷阱与最佳实践**:识别并避免常见的并发编程错误,学习如何写出安全、可维护和高效的并发代码。 9. **并发在分布式系统中的应用**:了解如何在云环境或分布式系统中实现并发,处理网络延迟和节点间的通信。 通过这本《C#并发烹饪书》,开发者能够掌握在C#中编写并发和并行代码的关键技能,提升应用程序的性能和可扩展性,同时避免并发编程中可能出现的复杂性和陷阱。这本书不仅适合初学者,也对有经验的开发者提供了深入的见解和实用的技巧,帮助他们在实际项目中更好地利用并发的优势。
2017-04-27 上传
C# 7 and .NET Core Cookbook by Dirk Strauss English | 25 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B01N6QN9ZD | 628 Pages | AZW3 | 15.51 MB Key Features Easy-to-follow recipes to get you up-and-running with the new features of C# 7 and .NET Core 1.1 Practical solutions to assist you with microservices and serverless computing in C# Explore the new Visual Studio environment and write more secure code in it Book Description C# has recently been open-sourced and C# 7 comes with a host of new features for building powerful, cross-platform applications. This book will be your solution to some common programming problems that you come across with C# and will also help you get started with .NET Core 1.1. Through a recipe-based approach, this book will help you overcome common programming challenges and get your applications ready to face the modern world. We start by running you through new features in C# 7, such as tuples, pattern matching, and so on, giving you hands-on experience with them. Moving forward, you will work with generics and the OOP features in C#. You will then move on to more advanced topics, such as reactive extensions, Regex, code analyzers, and asynchronous programming. This book will also cover new, cross-platform .NET Core 1.1 features and teach you how to utilize .NET Core on macOS. Then, we will explore microservices as well as serverless computing and how these benefit modern developers. Finally, you will learn what you can do with Visual Studio 2017 to put mobile application development across multiple platforms within the reach of any developer. What you will learn Writing better and less code to achieve the same result as in previous versions of C# Working with analyzers in Visual Studio Working with files, streams, and serialization Writing high-performant code in C# and understanding multi-threading Demystifying the Rx library using Reactive extensions Exploring .Net Core 1.1 and ASP.NET MVC Securing your applications and learning new debugging techniques De