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本次课程设计的主题是"蜗牛—矩形花键铣刀和有空拉刀",针对的是45钢材质的工件,其硬度为HBS180,具有较高的强度(σb=610 Mpa),工件长度为30mm。设计内容主要分为两个部分:矩形花键铣刀设计和圆孔拉刀设计。 矩形花键铣刀设计部分: 1. 设计要求明确,目标是根据提供的工件参数和材料特性,确保铣刀能够高效、精确地加工出符合规格的矩形花键。这包括考虑刀具的几何形状、切削参数、刀具耐用性和精度等因素。 2. 设计步骤涉及了从理解并分析设计要求开始,可能包括刀具尺寸计算、刀片选择、切削参数设定以及刀具结构设计等。设计过程中需要结合金属切削原理,确保刀具能够适应45钢的切削性能,同时考虑到加工效率和工件的表面质量。 3. 技术条件部分,可能包括了刀具的制造标准、材料要求、表面粗糙度和热处理等方面的规范,以保证最终产品的质量。 圆孔拉刀设计: 3.1 设计要求同样注重实用性,着重于创建能加工出所需内径的拉刀,要考虑拉削方式对刀具性能的影响,例如耐用度、切削力、生产率和表面光洁度。 3.2 设计步骤包括确定拉削方式、刀具结构设计、刀具几何参数的选择和优化,以及刀具冷却和润滑系统的考虑。 3.3 技术条件涉及到拉刀的精度、耐用度测试方法和推荐的使用条件,确保在大批量生产中能保持稳定的表现。 在整个设计过程中,学生应用了金属切削原理、金属切削刀具知识,并借助AUTOCAD和Solidworks等软件进行三维建模和模拟分析。尽管设计过程中可能存在技术挑战和理解不足,但学生希望通过这个项目提高自己的实践能力和理论联系实际的能力。 通过这次课程设计,学生不仅检验了他们在大学期间所学的理论知识,还锻炼了解决实际问题的能力,为未来的职业生涯打下坚实基础。在设计中存在的不足之处,他们期待在评审阶段得到老师们的指导和建议,以便在未来的学习和工作中不断改进。
2020-04-13 上传
Form Circle is the circle which defines the deepest points of involute form control of the tooth profile. This circle along with the tooth tip circle (or start of chamfer circle) determines the limits of tooth profile requiring control. It is located near the major circle on the internal spline and near the minor circle on the external spline. Form Clearance (cF) is the radial depth of involute profile beyond the depth of engagement with the mating part. It allows for looseness between mating splines and for eccentricities between the minor circle (internal), the major circle (external), and their respective pitch circles. Form Diameter (DFe, DFi) the diameter of the form circle. Internal Spline is a spline formed on the inner surface of a cylinder. Involute Spline is one having teeth with involute profiles. Lead Variation is the variation of the direction of the spline tooth from its intended direction parallel to the reference axis, also including parallelism and alignment variations (see Fig. 1a). Note: Straight (nonhelical) splines have an infinite lead. Length of Engagement (Lq) is the axial length of contact between mating splines. Machining Tolerance (m) is the permissible variation in actual space width or actual tooth thickness. Major Circle is the circle formed by the outermost surface of the spline. It is the outside circle (tooth tip circle) of the external spline or the root circle of the internal spline. Major Diameter (Do, Dri) is the diameter of the major circle. Minor Circle is the circle formed by the innermost surface of the spline. It is the root circle of the external spline or the inside circle (tooth tip circle) of the internal spline. Minor Diameter (Dre, Di) is the diameter of the minor circle. Nominal Clearance is the actual space width of an internal spline minus the actual tooth thickness of the mating external spline. It does not define the fit between mating members, because of the effect of variations. Out of Roundness is the variation of the spline from a true circular configuration. Parallelism Variation is the variation of parallelism of a single spline tooth with respect to any other single spline tooth (see Fig. 1b). Pitch (P/Ps) is a combination number of a one-to-two ratio indicating the spline proportions; the upper or first number is the diametral pitch, the lower or second number is the stub pitch and denotes, as that fractional part of an inch, the basic radial length of engagement, both above and below the pitch circle. Pitch Circle is the reference circle from which all transverse spline tooth dimensions are constructed. Pitch Diameter (D) is the diameter of the pitch circle. Pitch Point is the intersection of the spline tooth profile with the pitch circle. Pressure Angle (φ) is the angle between a line tangent to an involute and a radial line through the point of tangency. Unless otherwise specified, it is the standard pressure angle. Profile Variation is any variation from the specified tooth profile normal to the flank. Spline is a machine element consisting of integral keys (spline teeth) or keyways (spaces) equally spaced around a circle or portion thereof. Standard (Main) Pressure Angle (φD) is the pressure angle at the specified pitch diameter. Stub Pitch (Ps) is a number used to denote the radial distance from the pitch circle to the major circle of the external spline and from the pitch circle to the minor circleof the internal spline. The stub pitch for splines in this standard is twice the diametral pitch. Total Index Variation is the greatest difference in any two teeth (adjacent or otherwise) between the actual and the perfect spacing of the tooth profiles. Total Tolerance (m + λ) is the machining tolerance plus the variation allowance. Variation Allowance (λ) is the permissible effective variation