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The graduation thesis "jsp483 Engineering Project Management System (ssh).doc" focuses on the development of a project management system for a power engineering company called Yangfan. The system is designed to facilitate the smooth completion of projects according to predetermined cost, schedule, and quality criteria through the analysis and management of personnel, products, processes, and projects. The system encompasses various functions such as project information management, personnel management, schedule management, supplier management, and material management.
The backend database of the system is built using SQL2005, while the frontend development tools utilize JSP technology and Java programming language. ADO data access technology is employed in the system, with each database table's fields and operations encapsulated in classes to apply object-oriented programming principles effectively. This feature is highlighted as the system's standout characteristic and advantage.
The Yangfan project management system places a strong emphasis on requirements management as the core, material management as the content, and quality management as the benchmark. The system is structured to manage project processes from the establishment of requirements to the tracking of task completion based on requirements, evaluation of task completion standards through quality management, and complete management of requirements to tasks and tasks to quality in a traceable manner to achieve comprehensive project process management.
The structure of the thesis includes sections on background and significance, development technology introduction, requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.
Keywords: management system; SQL2005 database; JSP
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