
0 下载量 47 浏览量 更新于2024-03-27 收藏 1.97MB PPTX 举报
In the Unit "Meeting Your Ancestors" of the New Version of the Eighth Book of the New Curriculum, students are introduced to the present perfect continuous tense through a Grammar PPT presentation. The PPT presentation includes various examples of sentences using the present perfect continuous tense, such as "My younger brother has been accessing the net," "The baby has been sleeping for 1 hour," "They have been playing basketball all day," "The boy has been reading a book for almost 4 hours," and "He has been talking with his girlfriend." The presentation also includes examples of sentences with the present continuous tense, such as "The telephone has been ringing for almost a minute" and "The young boy has been watching TV." Through these examples, students are able to understand the difference between the present perfect continuous tense and the present continuous tense. The presentation aims to help students master the usage of the present perfect continuous tense in speaking and writing. By providing real-life examples and engaging visuals, students are able to grasp the concept more easily and apply it in their own communication. Overall, the Grammar PPT presentation on the present perfect continuous tense in the Unit "Meeting Your Ancestors" is a helpful tool for students to improve their English grammar skills and enhance their language proficiency.