A Novel QoS-based QoE Evaluation Method for
Streaming Video Service
Zhaolong Ning, Yuqing Liu, Xiaojie Wang*, Yufan Feng, and Xiangjie Kong
School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Corresponding author: Xiaojie Wang, Email: xiaojie.kara.wang@gmail.com
Abstract—With the rapid development of network
technology, the types of streaming video services are also
changing. Service providers concern about the Quality of
Service (QoS) of applications, because the corresponding QoS
directly affects the user's subjective perception, and user’s
quality of experience (QoE). This paper analyzes the
streaming video service performances, including both
subjective and objective QoS factors that affect QoE impact.
We consider two different scenarios, one is watching sports
scene, and the other is in a static viewing news scene. Three
QoS parameters are considered, i.e. network delay, jitter and
packet loss rate. By NS-2 simulation experiment platform,
network impairments are compared in the sensitivity of
different scenarios and different service performances of
streaming media on the QoE of video services at different
network scenarios.
Keywords: Video streaming service, QoS, QoE
With the rapid development of economy and technology,
network streaming media technology is constantly developing.
Some new streaming media video technologies come out in
the process of changing, just like Internet Protocol Television
(IPTV), Voice over Internet Phone (VoIP), and
Video-On-Demand (VOD). Meanwhile, users’ requirement for
applications that providing network streaming media is
increasing. It is expected that streaming media technology can
update the service, promote the service quality and cater for
users’ requirement by the emerging technologies. However, it
is important for service providers to be always aware of users’
satisfaction and expectation of the application service. When
designing system or providing any service to users,
guaranteeing the reliable Quality of Service (QoS) for
satisfying Quality of Experience (QoE) is a key part, and it is a
tendency for service provider. Similarly in streaming media
video service, providing reliable QoS and satisfying
experience is a topic concerned by providers at every moment
First, streaming media video service nowadays tends to be
designed for entertainment and popularity. Watching TV and
movie with special devices and applications is becoming a
main part of leisure. Relevant technologies are applied to
mobile applications and PC hosts. Second, the video call
service with rapid development has special requirements.
When using FaceTime on the iPhone to communicate with
family members, it is supposed that the transmission of the
video and audio is real-time and synchronized. These
technologies also refer to the research of network drop rate
and network jitter. Finally, most people have the experience of
watching football game online. Broadcasters surely want to
present every detail of the process to users perfectly. However,
real-time demand is another problem concerned by users
besides this. The users may wonder about the progress of the
game and the reason why audience nearby watching the same
game begins to cheer.
Problems above deserve to be considered by providers.
Users surely intend to obtain the best service. Service
providers also want to provide the best service in turn. In this
way the research of QoS in streaming media video service is
especially important for service providers. It is promising to
establish a model similar to users’ subjective assessment by
model calculation on the basis of objective network factors [2].
In this paper, we evaluate users’ QoE based on QoS, and a
novel method is brought up for streaming media video service
providers to boost the quality of subjective experience and
cater for the requirement of users.
The streaming media video technology usually refers
encoding the video, and transmitting in network in a streaming
method. When receiving the code of video, the receiver host
will decode the video with corresponding decoding methods
and return the video to origin. Due to the interference and
network impairment in transmission, distortion in some degree
will happen after decoding [3]. It is known that streaming
media is a kind of multimedia business, which can buffer and
play video at the same time. Users don’t need to wait until the
whole video is buffered. Therefore, streaming media
transmission method makes our life convenient and saves a lot
of time and network flow. However, two reasons become the
obstacles for the breakthrough of the corresponding service
and applications. On one hand, the network technology cannot
fit the development of service demand. On the other hand, the
provided service lacks interaction with users and the providers
cannot offer the required service to users precisely [4].
In recent years, ITU-T and ISO/IEC have been studied and
set up the international standards of streaming media
technology. These standards contain real-time transmission
protocols, H.26x series aim at video transmission, and
MPEG-x series focus on video storage. With the promotion of
users’ expectation of streaming media services, the
standardization process can be accelerated. New technologies,
combining novel standards, will lead to the development of
the whole streaming media business, and improve user
experience quality steadily. Nowadays, most of the researches
2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom)
and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData)
978-1-5386-3066-2/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.147
2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom)
and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData)
978-1-5386-3066-2/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.147