Swift编程指南:理解并构建Core Data应用

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Core Data是苹果Mac OS X和iOS软件开发工具包(SDK)中的对象图管理和持久化框架。它主要用于在本地存储和检索数据,但它并不是关系型数据库,如MySQL或SQLite。尽管它可能使用SQLite作为底层数据存储技术,但在使用Core Data时,开发者通常不会直接考虑表格、行和主键这样的概念,而是处理对象模型和关联。 **重要知识点**: 1. **定义与用途**: - Core Data是iOS和OS X平台的应用程序开发中的一种数据管理解决方案,它专注于对象图管理,即创建和维护应用程序内部对象之间的复杂关系。 - 它的主要目标是简化数据持久化过程,允许开发者将应用程序状态存储在本地,而不是依赖于网络或服务器。 2. **与数据库的区别**: - 不是关系型数据库:不同于传统的SQL数据库(如MySQL),Core Data不直接支持SQL查询,它的数据模型是基于对象的,而非表结构。 - 内部机制:虽然可以使用SQLite作为底层存储,但开发者无需过多关注其细节,因为Core Data提供了一层抽象,使得操作数据变得更加直观。 3. **开发流程**: - **NSManagedObject**:这是Core Data的核心组件,代表数据库中的实体,开发者需要创建子类来表示应用中的实体类型,并定义它们的属性和关系。 - **Core Data Stack**:这是Core Data的核心架构,包括NSPersistentContainer、NSManagedObjectContext、NSManagedObjectModel等组成部分,用于管理数据的生命周期和事务处理。 - **教程与资源**:提到的教程由Ray Wenderlich团队编写,作者包括Aaron Douglas、Saul Mora、Matthew Morey和Pietro Rea,这些资源提供了详细的指导,适合初学者和进阶开发者学习。 4. **版权与责任声明**: - 该书及其内容受版权保护,未经许可不得复制或分发,提供的材料是"按现状"提供,无任何形式的保证,包括但不限于适销性、特定目的适用性和非侵权性。 - 作者和版权所有者不对因软件本身或其使用而产生的任何索赔、损害或其他责任负责。 5. **目录概览**: - 教程包含多个章节,如第一章介绍如何构建第一个Core Data应用,第二章探讨如何定义和扩展NSManagedObject子类,第三章讲解Core Data Stack的构建和配置,以及后续章节可能涉及数据持久化、迁移、错误处理等内容。 通过深入学习和实践,开发者能够充分利用Core Data的强大功能,创建高效且响应迅速的iOS和OS X应用,同时避免直接处理底层数据库管理的复杂性。
2016-10-19 上传
Core Data is intricate, powerful, and necessary. Discover the powerful capabilities integrated into Core Data, and how to use Core Data in your iOS and OS X projects. All examples are current for OS X El Capitan, iOS 9, and the latest release of Core Data. All the code is written in Swift, including numerous examples of how best to integrate Core Data with Apple's newest programming language. Core Data expert Marcus Zarra walks you through a fully developed application based around the Core Data APIs. You'll build on this application throughout the book, learning key Core Data elements such as NSPredicate, NSFetchRequest, thread management, and memory management. Start with the basics of Core Data and learn how to use it to develop your application. Then delve deep into the API details. Explore how to get Core Data integrated into your application properly, and work with this flexible API to create convenience methods to improve your application's maintainability. Reduce your migration difficulties, integrate your Core Data app with iCloud and Watch Kit, and use Core Data in a queue-based environment. By the end of the book, you'll have built a full-featured application, gained a complete understanding of Core Data, and learned how to integrate your application into the iPhone/iPad platform. This book is based on Core Data in Objective-C, Third Edition. It focuses on Swift and adds an additional chapter on how to integrate Core Data with an efficient network implementation, with best practices on how to load and pre-load data into your Swift application. What You Need: Mac OS X El Capitan and iOS 9 and a basic working knowledge of Swift Table of Contents Chapter 1. Before We Begin Chapter 2. Under the Hood Chapter 3. iOS: NSFetchedResultsController Chapter 4. Versioning and Migration Chapter 5. Performance Tuning Chapter 6. Threading Chapter 7. Bulk Changes Chapter 8. Network Operations Chapter 9. Using Core Data with iCloud Chapter 10. Adding a Desktop Foundation Chapter 11. Bindings, KVC, and KVO Chapter 12. Spotlight, Quick Look, and Core Data